ECTA Center hosts regular webinars with a variety of partners. Additional events are listed on the Shared TA Calendar.
Past Webinars
A Blueprint for Inclusion: Supporting Systemic Change in California
In this webinar, ECTA staff presented on the Indicators of High-Quality Inclusion, and how to use them to support leaders, administrators, and providers in implementing systems, policies, and practices that ensure access to and engagement in supports and services for children with disabilities. ECTA staff also described how the indicators can be used to leverage opportunities at the state, community, local program, and environment levels. California early education leaders presented on their state's efforts in Inclusion, including resources and opportunities for collaboration. Links to resources and partner organizations were provided.
Preparing Your Annual Performance Report: Helpful Resources so You Have More Fun in January
Co-sponsored by DaSy, information and resources were shared that can support states in preparing and submitting their APRs. Updated tools include the SPP/APR Basics, What You Need to Know module, and the SPP/APR Indicator Submission Guidance: Checklists and Tips document.
Unlocking Early Childhood Privacy: Latest Trends and Insights and What You Need to Know
An engaging discussion with The Center for Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) and Prtivacy Tecnical Assistance Center (PTAC) on how the latest policy and data trends affect how States safeguard privacy. Learn about how to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and identify options for data sharing, and explore critical topics from the perspective of IDEA and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This session covers confidentiality, parent consent, understanding the role of participating agencies and options for data sharing protocols. Individuals from the U.S. Department of Education and federally funded TA centers share the latest trends in and insights on early childhood privacy. Delve into program improvement with real-world scenarios and evidence-based practices. Valuable privacy resources are shared.
Preparing for DMS 2.0
Preparation is the foundation for a successful Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) 2.0 visit. ECTA, DaSy, CADRE and CIFR outlined 8 steps with useful resources to help you get organized, identify gaps and make improvements to your Monitoring, Data, Dispute Resolution and Fiscal systems, and how to use the available resources to prepare for DMS 2.0.
Navigating IDEA and FERPA To Protect Privacy in Today's Early Childhood World
This session discussed the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) and data sharing from the standpoint of IDEA and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements. Topics important to privacy that are addressed include:
- confidentiality
- participating agencies
- data sharing
- access
- records
- parental consent
- increased use of technology in communication
- telehealth
Scenarios related to data privacy and sharing are utilized to discuss program improvement and use of evidence-based practice. Privacy resources are shared.
Implementing, Sustaining, and Scaling-Up High Quality Inclusive Preschool Policies and Practices: ECTA TA Opportunity Informational Webinar
Staff shared information about the application for intensive Technical Assistance on Implementing, Sustaining, and Scaling-Up High-Quality Inclusive Preschool Policies and Practices. Applications closed October 2023 and selected states were notified.
Timely, Purposeful Expenditure of IDEA Funds
Spending IDEA Part B and Part C funds in a timely manner helps states maximize efforts to improve outcomes for infants, toddlers, students, and youth with disabilities and their families. With IDEA funds for the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021 expiring this September, it is important to act now to obligate funding, as well as plan for the timely expenditure of future funds.
The Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting (CIFR), the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI), the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), and the Center for Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) hosted a cross-center webinar on the obligation and liquidation requirements and timelines, the grant funding cycle, and oversight responsibilities. Participants learned about strategies and resources to deepen their understanding and learned how these TA centers can support them.
Improve Your Child Outcomes Data: Introducing the Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check
Does your state or program use the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process? Join us for an overview of a new, free, online tool (the Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check or COS-KC) that assesses practitioner knowledge of the COS process. The results can help you direct your professional development efforts and other supports to improve the quality of your child outcomes data. Intended audience: Part C and Part B, Section 619 Coordinators, Part C and Part B Data Managers.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) and Early Intervention (Part C)
These two webinars for early intervention (Part C) lead agency staff, state-level TA providers, and state IECMH partners address potential IECMH policies and practices to promote the social-emotional development and mental health of infants and toddlers in the context of relationships. The webinars were presented in collaboration with Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (CCHD), National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI), and ZERO TO THREE.
Session 1: IECMH Screening, Assessment, and Eligibility
- Early On Michigan Established Conditions
- Social and Emotional Health A Guide for Families with Children Birth to Age 8 (Michigan Department of Education, 2019)
Session 2: IECMH Practices and Services
- Medicaid-funded Behavioral Health Services: Ages 0–6 (Georgia Department of Community Health, 2022)
CIFR 2022 Part C Fiscal Webinar: The What, Why, and How of State Part C Fiscal Monitoring
Why is fiscal monitoring under IDEA so important? Fiscal monitoring is a major part of general supervision, and state lead agencies should have written procedures for identifying instances of and correcting for noncompliance.
In this webinar for Part C Coordinators and Fiscal Specialists, TA staff from CIFR, ECTA Center, and DaSy will describe fiscal monitoring, present examples of fiscal requirements that should be monitored, and review fiscal data used to identify noncompliance. Arizona's IDEA Part C fiscal team will share its procedures for monitoring fiscal data and correcting for fiscal noncompliance.