Learning Communities
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Sign InChild and Family Outcomes Measurement Communities
BDI Users Group
Contact: Nicholas Ortiz
nicholas.ortiz@sri.comECTA has formed a group for interested individuals to share experiences using the Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) for outcomes reporting. The group focuses on a variety of topics including quality assurance, data collection and analysis, and training and technical assistance. The group meets via conference call several times a year and in person, when possible, at national meetings. State Part C and Part B, Section 619 staff are invited to participate.
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Learning Community
Contact: Kellen Reid
kellen.reid@unc.eduThe community is intended for state Part C and Part B, Section 619 staff who work directly with collecting, analyzing, and using Child Outcomes Summary (COS) data. The goal of the community is to help participants promote /maintain practices that lead to high-quality COS data and the ability to use those data in meaningful ways. Participants learn from one another, share tools and resources, and explore issues together in a collegial environment. Web-based meetings are held on a quarterly basis and community members have access to an online space for ongoing collaboration.
Family Outcomes Data Community of Practice
Contact: Thomas McGhee
thomas.mcghee@unc.edu Register to ParticipateThe Family Outcomes Data Community of Practice allows individuals to share issues and resources related to family outcomes measurement, including analysis, data quality, and data use and dissemination. Specific topics will be prioritized by the members, and the calls will focus on state sharing and peer participation. The learning community is intended for Part C Coordinators, data managers, and other state staff who work directly with analyzing, interpreting, and sharing family survey data in their state.
TS GOLD Learning Community
Contact: Nicholas Ortiz
nicholas.ortiz@sri.comThis community offers a way for interested individuals to share experiences using the Teaching Strategies (TS) GOLD for outcomes reporting. The group focuses on a variety of topics including training assessors, procedural issues, reporting, and new features. The group meets quarterly. States identify questions/issues to discuss each month and one state leads the discussion. States do not have to lead discussions to participate in the community.
Topical Learning Communities
aRPy Ambassador Program
Contact: Allison Jones
allison.jones@unc.eduThe aRPy Ambassador Program brings awareness and support to the dissemination and use of the DEC Recommended Practices (RPs) and the Practice Improvement Tools. The partners contribute to the processes of selecting, preparing and supporting professionals from across the country who act as aRPy Ambassadors.
Dispute Resolution Learning Community
Contact: Sharon Walsh, Noƫlla Bernal, and Alyson Cavaugh
sharon.walsh@unc.edu nbernal@directionservice.org alysonc@unc.eduCo-led by CADRE and ECTA, this peer learning group for state Part C coordinators and staff allows participants to share experiences in addressing and resolving Part C disputes, both formal and informal. State-developed agenda topics include:
- strategies for providing training for hearing officers and mediators
- designing procedures
- logs and forms for investigating complaints
- options for collecting ongoing data on disputes
- implications for general supervision and other topics as identified
Early Childhood Personnel Solutions Learning Community
Contact: Paula Grubbs
paula.grubbs@unc.eduThe Early Childhood Personnel Solutions Learning Community addresses the critical shortage of personnel serving young children with disabilities and their families by sharing effective and innovative strategies used to prepare, attract, and retain early intervention and early childhood special education personnel and service providers. It is open to state-level IDEA Part C and Part B Section 619 coordinators or directors.
The content for the calls is organized around OSEP's Prepare, Attract, Retain framework and informed by ECTA's Recruitment and Retention of Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Personnel: A Synthesis of Innovative Practices. Members of the learning community will explore innovative and effective strategies, share state and local examples of innovation, and inform the content and format of the group in an ongoing way.
IDEA Early Childhood Inclusion Learning Community
Contact: Jani Kozlowski and Alissa Rausch
jani.kozlowski@unc.edu alissa.rausch@du.eduThe purpose of the IDEA Early Childhood Inclusion Learning Community is to address and improve high-quality inclusive policies and practices for state and community early childhood systems and state leadership. It is open to coordinators, directors and staff from state-level IDEA Part C, Part B, Section 619, and other early childhood programs, as well as professional development and technical assistance projects.
The content for the calls is typically organized around the four levels of the Indicators for High-Quality Inclusion. The calls highlight specific state practices and provide an inclusive format for sharing and learning from one another.