Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance (TA) activities are designed to help our Part C and Part B, Section 619 clients build system capacity to improve outcomes for children with disabilities and their families. TA is frequently provided in partnership with other OSEP-funded early childhood TA centers.
- General Technical Assistance are services clients engage with at their own pace and convenience, like the tools, reports, learning modules, webinars, and other resources found on our website. A list of upcoming webinars, conferences, and a Shared TA Calendar list opportunities from four Early Childhood IDEA Centers.
- Targeted Technical Assistance is our response a specific state's needs to build individual leadership or state system capacity. Targeted TA often includes planning and consultation supports, onsite trainings, and stakeholder meeting facilitation. To make an individualized TA request, contact your ECTA State Contact. Additional supports are available through topical Learning Communities for cross-state priorities like inclusion, measuring outcomes, and procedural safeguards.
- Intensive Technical Assistance is designed to improve state or local system capacity to implement evidence-based practices, and is provided to a limited number of states each year based on state and national priorities. Intensive TA requires strong commitment and a stable partnership between the state and our staff. State coordinators can contact their ECTA State Contact for more information about intensive TA.
While all levels of TA target strengthening state and local systems, the greatest impact of our work is realized through intensive TA.
Early Learning Consortium (ELC)
Contact: Jani Kozlowski, Alyson Cavanaugh alysonc@unc.eduECTA Center facilitates the Early Learning Consortium (ELC). This critical activity directly relates to our goal to increase national awareness and recognition of how Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs can be intentionally included within broader early childhood initiatives and systems building efforts.
ELC participating organizations include Technical Assistance centers funded by the U.S. Departments of Health & Human Services and Education, federal project officers, national organizations, and professional associations. Together, the consortium:
- engages on national issues and challenges;
- learns from one another;
- leverages resources to support state and local programs; and
- solves common problems building high-quality early care and education systems that effectively support all young children.
in collaboration with:
We also work with the broader early childhood field to build national awareness around the importance of including Part C and Part B, Section 619 in early childhood initiatives.
Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO)
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI), (CDC)
IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA)
Learn the Signs. Act Early. (CDC)
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)
National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB)
STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education Center (STEMI2E2)