IFSP/IEP-Outcomes Integration

States and local programs are making child and family outcomes measurement more efficient and more effective by integrating those processes with IFSP and IEP development and implementation. The ECTA Center works to support states that are making changes to their systems and materials to integrate these two processes.
Background Information
Introduction to IFSP/IEP Integration (2011)
This presentation provides an overview to the IFSP-IEP integration processes across work with The ECTA Center and a number of early childhood professionals interested in these processes.
Key Considerations for Implementation
An Interactive Guide to Implementing an Integrated Child and Family Outcomes and IFSP/IEP Process (2014)
The purpose of this interactive guide is to assist state, regional and local early intervention (EI) and early childhood special education (ECSE) providers to take the steps needed to integrate the child and family outcomes measurement with the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. It is designed to be a "place to start" when considering the multiple factors that go into creating an integrated process.
Flow Charts and Activities
The following charts were created by a workgroup of members of the Integrating Outcomes Learning Community to demonstrate how the activities involving outcomes measurement are accomplished in the IFSP/IEP process. Each chart includes steps from the flow charts (see below), activities to prepare for and implement each step, examples of processes and discussions, and national and state resources that relate to each step.
The following flow charts show where opportunities to collect functional information for child outcomes measurement may be integrated throughout the IFSP or IEP process:
- IFSP Outcomes Flow Chart (2014)
- IEP Outcomes Flow Chart (2014)
The following worksheets provide a series of questions for programs to use in discussing the overlap of outcomes work and IFSP/IFSP development. The worksheets are designed to be used with the corresponding generic flow charts, above.
The following documents describe in further detail when and how to collect information for child outcomes as part of IFSP and IEP processes. The documents also invite the reader to reflect upon the extent to which one's own program is integrating child outcomes measurement in each step of the IFSP or IEP (e.g. "not implemented", "needs improvement" or "implemented").
Integrating Child Outcomes Measurement into an Effective IFSP Process (2012)
This document was based upon the NECTAC document Agreed Upon Practices for Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments. There is also a version of this document with outcomes measurement activities highlighted in red text.
Integrating Child Outcomes Measurement with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process: Implementation Rating Scale. (2013)
This document was initially drafted as a result of the May 2010 Think Tank, was revised for the July 2010 outcomes conference, and updated in 2013 to be based upon the NECTAC document Key Practices Underlying the IEP Proccess: Supporting Family Participation, Inclusive Practices and Positive Outcomes for Children with Disabilities.
Summary Worksheets
NECTAC and ECO Center staff developed these summary worksheets to facilitate a team discussion of the extent to which its program is integrating IFSP/IEP and outcomes processes