Self-Directed Learning
See also: Child Outcomes: Step by Step and Supporting Children by Improving Family Outcomes
Why Collect Outcomes Data?
This video provides an introduction to federal accountability, the current requirements, and purpose and use of outcomes measurement. (6 min.)
Understanding The Child Outcomes
This introductory session provides a description of the three child outcomes. It is designed for learners to understand the development and content of the three child outcomes, differentiate among the three child outcomes, and differentiate between functional outcomes and discrete skills. (5 min.)
Assessing the Accomplishment of the Three Child Outcomes
This session is designed for the introductory or intermediate learner. Information presented includes recommended practices for functional assessment and crosswalks. Learners will understand the use of formal assessment instruments for measuring child outcomes, and differentiate between evaluation for the purposes of eligibility vs. accountability. (6 min.)
Introduction to Integrating Outcomes Measurement with IFSP and IEP Processes
This presentation is an introduction to the process of IFSP-IEP Outcomes Integration. (17 min.)
Understanding Young Children's Development
These learning modules were developed by training personnel in Illinois, based on content developed by the University of Connecticut Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. The modules correspond to the three child outcomes, and focus on identifying age-appropriate skills among children ages birth–3.
- Part 1: A Focus on Positive Social Emotional Skills (26 min.)
- Part 2: A Focus on Children's Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills (25 min.)
- Part 3: A Focus on Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs (24 min.)
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process and Form
Converting COS Data to OSEP Progress Categories/Summary Statements shows you how information from the COS Definitions: 7-Point Rating Scale Criteria are converted to the child outcomes progress categories and summary statements that states report annually to the federal government.