Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals Training Package
This training package was developed collaboratively with staff from the ECTA Center and the Western Regional Resource Center (WRRC) in response to the need expressed from state and local providers to have specific information and resources about developing Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) outcomes and Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. First introduced in September 2012, this revised training package includes:
- a set of six fully scripted PowerPoint presentations;
- handouts, activities and supplemental materials; and
- how states have used and adapted the materials
All the materials needed, including instructions for use and adaptation, are included in the training package. For questions, please contact Anne Lucas.
anne.lucas@unc.eduTraining Presentations: Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals

The training packages' presentation materials are provided in Microsoft Powerpoint format in six sections. Each presentation includes information for both Early Intervention (EI) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) settings, and can be freely edited and adapted by presenters based on needs such as time allotted and audience.
Each presentation includes activities, links to additional resources and a link back to the webpage you're reading right now. The closing slide of each section has been set up for up to two presenters to add their own contact information.
- Section 1: Setting the Context
- Section 2: Functional Assessment
- Section 3: Integrating Functional Assessment and Outcome Measurement with IFSP Outcomes/IEP Goals
- Section 4: Functional, High Quality IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals
- Section 5: IFSP Strategies to Meet Outcomes and IEP Objectives to Meet Goals
- Section 6: Applying the Information: Practical Learning Experience
Handouts, Activities and Supplemental Materials
The section and slide numbers provided for these resources match the downloadable presentations linked above. Editing and adapting those presentations may result in changes to the slide numbers. Make any edits to these materials carefully!Handout, Activity, Supplement | Title and Link | EI / ECSE | Section, Slide(s) | Annotation |
Handout | Developing High Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes/IEP Goals Training Package: Guidance for Trainers | EI, ECSE | Section 1, Slide 1 | This document provides the purpose and background, content organization and use and adaptation suggestions for the training. Appendices include a draft participant agenda as well as references and resources. |
Handout | Family and Child Outcomes for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education, 2005 (ECO) | EI, ECSE | Section 1, Slide 18 | This document is referenced in the training as the source for the goals of early intervention and of early childhood special education. |
Handout | Agreed Upon Mission and Key Principles for Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments, 2008 (Workgroup on Principles and Practices in Natural Environments) | EI | Section 1, Slide 19 | This document is referenced in the training as the source of the mission and principles of Part C early intervention. |
Handout | Seven Key Principles: Looks Like/ Doesn't Look Like, 2008 (Workgroup on Principles and Practices in Natural Environments) | EI | Section 1, Slide 19 | This document is referenced in the training as an additional source of information about the principles of Part C early intervention. |
Handout | Key Principles Underlying the IEP Process: Supporting Family Participation, Inclusive Practices and Positive Outcomes for Preschool Children with Disabilities, 2012 (Workgroup on Principles and Practices for the IEP Process) | ECSE | Section 1, Slide 20 | This document is referenced in the training as an additional source of information about the goal and principles of early childhood special education. |
Handout | At a Glance: Child and Family Outcomes, 2010 (ECO) | EI, ECSE | Section 1, Slides 25-26 | This document provides a brief overview of the child and family outcomes, as well as information on the conversion of child outcome information into the federal progress categories and the summary statements reported for the APR. |
Handout | Questions for Eliciting Family Interests, Priorities, Concerns, and Everyday Routines and Activities | EI, ECSE | Section 2, Slides 16-17 | This handout provides the full list of questions from which the examples on slides 17 and 18 were pulled. It is a comprehensive list of questions that may be asked of families to gather information. |
Handout, Activity | Table Talk: Authentic Assessment | EI, ECSE | Section 2, Slide 20 | This handout accompanies an activity, during which participants talk at their tables about current practices in authentic assessment. |
Handout | Integrated Outcomes: Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Process | EI | Section 3, Slide 9 | This is the flow chart of the IFSP process with the steps of including child outcomes measurement highlighted in red text. |
Handout | Integrated Outcomes: Individual Education Planning (IEP) Process | ECSE | Section 3, Slide 9 | This is the flow chart of the IEP process with the steps of including child outcomes measurement highlighted in red text. |
Activity |
"Nolan's Story"
Edelman, L. (Producer) (2001). Nolan's Story in Just Being Kids: Supports and Services for Infants and Toddlers and Their Families in Everyday Routines, Activities, and Places (video). Denver: Western Media Products. Used with permission from JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education. |
EI | Section 3, Slide 11 | This is the video that is shown for the Video: "Nolan" activity. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to access the "Nolan's Story" video. |
Activity |
Video appears courtesy Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). |
ECSE | Section 3, Slide 12 | This is the video that is shown for the Video: "Tim" activity. |
Handout, Activity | Enhancing Recognition of High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes: A training activity for Infant and Toddler service providers | EI | Section 4, Slide 39 | This training activity is used to support participants' understanding of the criteria needed to develop and write high quality, participation-based IFSP outcomes. IFSP Outcomes Answer Key: Page 20 |
Handout, Activity | Enhancing Recognition of High-Quality, Functional IEP Goals: A training activity for Early Childhood Special Education staff | ECSE | Section 4, Slide 39 | This training activity is used to support participants' understanding of the criteria needed to develop and write high quality, participation-based IEP goals. IEP Goals Answer Key: Page 21 |
Handout, Activity | Worksheet: Developing Measurable and Functional IFSP Outcomes/Strategies and IEP Goals/Objectives | EI, ECSE | Section 6, Slide 5 | This worksheet will be completed as a part of the final activity, during which participants read a case study (Kim) and use the information to develop high quality outcomes/goals, as well as strategies, services and supports. |
Handout, Activity | Early Intervention (Part C) Child Example: "Kim" at 17 Months of Age | EI, ECSE | Section 6, Slide 5 | Participants who work in early intervention Part C programs will use this case study to complete the final activity of the training. The case study includes medical and developmental background on Kim, information on family routines and priorities, and child developmental background that will be used to complete the worksheet above. |
Handout, Activity | Preschool Case Study: "Kim" at 35 months of Age | ECSE | Section 6, Slide 5 | Participants who work in early childhood special education (Section 619) programs will use this case study to complete the final activity of the training. The case study includes medical and developmental background on Kim, information on family routines and priorities, and child developmental background that will be used to complete the worksheet above. |
Supplement | Resources for Writing Good IFSP Outcomes | EI | This webpage provides presentation examples and resources for developing IFSP outcomes. | |
Supplement | Agreed Upon Practices For Providing Early Intervention Services In Natural Environments | EI | This document provides additional information on the quality practices that, when used, can lead to high quality, participation based, functional IFSP outcomes. | |
Supplement | Tips and Techniques for Developing Participation-Based IFSP Outcomes Statements, BriefCASE, Vol 2, No. 1. Dathan Rush and M'Lisa Shelden | EI, ECSE | This document by Rush and Shelden provides in depth information on the process of gathering information about children and families in every day routines and activities for the purpose of developing participation based IFSP outcome statements. | |
Handout, Supplement | Resources for Writing IFSPs and IEPs | EI, ECSE | This resource provides several web links with annotations to additional resources. | |
Supplement | Examples of Functional Articulation IEP Goals | ECSE | Section 4, Slide 32 | This document provides examples of high-quality, functional IEP goals in the area of articulation (making speech sounds). It may be used as a supplement in the training when participants include speech –language pathologists to support their understanding of writing functional IEP goals for children receiving services for articulation only. |
Supplement | Key Practices Underlying the IEP Process: Supporting Family Participation, Inclusive Practices, and Positive Outcomes for Preschool Children with Disabilities, 2012 (Workgroup on Principles and Practices for the IEP Process) | ECSE | This document provides additional information on the quality practices that, when used, can lead to high-quality, participation-based, functional IEP goals. | |
Supplement | A Guide to the Individualized Education Program: IEP Contents | ECSE | This Department of Education website provides information on the requirements for Individual Education Plans. Section 5 of this webpage provides specific information on the content requirements of the IEP. | |
Supplement | OSEP Model IEP Form | ECSE | This OSEP document provides an example of an IEP that meets the federal requirements for IEPs. | |
Supplement | A Guide to the Individualized Education Program: Writing the IEP | EI, ECSE | This Department of Education website provides information on the requirements for IEPs. Section 8 of this webpage, provides information on writing IEP goals, including the special factors that must be considered when developing IEP goals. |