COS Process Professional Development
This collection of resources supports COS training and technical assistance nationally, and are displayed in the following sections:
- COS Process Online Module
- Professional Development to Strengthen COS Knowledge and Skills
- Frequently Used Resources
To request technical assistance, contact ECTA Center's Child Outcomes Measurement topic specialist.
COS Process Online Module: Collecting and Using Data to Improve Programs
Updated March 18, 2025
This online module provides foundational knowledge about the COS process. and the practices that contribute to consistent and meaningful COS decision-making. Over the course of multiple sessions, participants learn about:
- why child outcomes data are collected;
- the key features of the COS process;
- the essential knowledge needed to complete the COS process;
- how the three child outcomes are measured through the process;
- how to identify accurate COS ratings using a team-based process;
- the importance of comparing children's current functional performance to age-expected functioning;
- when and how to measure progress in the three child outcome areas; and
- how to document ratings and evidence to support those ratings in COS documentation.
The module is self-paced, so you can access it as many times as you need to.
Integrating the Child Outcomes Summary Process Module into State Professional Development Platforms (COS Module-PDP)
At the request of many Part C and Section 619 state staff, ECTA and DaSy have created a version of the online module that can be integrated into a professional development (PD) platform thereby allowing a state to manage engagement; track participants; provide certificates; and incorporate state-specific content. The COS Module-PDP version contains all the content and functionality of the original online module, but it is self-contained, portable, and locally executable. Note that some exceptions or conditions will apply and are explained below in the Terms of Use.
Why is this important?
The purpose and content of the COS Module-PDP is identical to that of the online version of the module provided through ECTA and DaSy but provides the portability and interoperability necessary for integration into an existing learning management system (LMS).
How can this be used?
The COS Module-PDP enables a state Part C or Part B Section 619 program to provide COS process training that is integrated into their state's LMS thus allowing the program to manage and track the usage of this PD. For instance, the COS Module-PDP can be setup as a course within a compatible LMS to provide credit or track the completion of those who may be required or encouraged to complete this training.
The integration of the COS Module-PDP into a LMS will also give the state staff the control needed to seamlessly tie-in or wrap-around related state-specific learning objectives, resources, assessments, completion certificates/credits, or follow-up training, as possible, depending on the capability of the LMS.
Terms of Use
The DaSy and ECTA Center products, including the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Module, are available in the public domain as a packaged module. In general, permission is not given to edit or delete the content. Depending on the source of certain materials within the COS Module-PDP, licenses or other contractual terms restrict alteration, reproduction, or redistribution. State logo, procedures, or supplemental materials may be added. The organization of the activities for each session (i.e., the "Cycle of Instruction") cannot be modified and still retain the names of the components of the cycle or be called the "Cycle of Instruction," which is an evidence-based online adult learning structure developed by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education Center for Technology in Education. Acknowledgement must be included as shown in the Session 6 "Just for Me Activity".
The restrictions include:
- The organization of the activities for each session (i.e., the "Cycle of Instruction") cannot be modified, in part, and retain the names of the components of the cycle or be called the "Cycle of Instruction" as it references the evidence-based online adult learning structure developed by Johns Hopkins University School of Education Center for Technology in Education.
- Acknowledgement must be included as shown in the Session 6 "Just for Me Activity"
- Child Outcomes Step-by-Step video (Edelman, 2011) must be linked out and referenced in the overview page.
- Content cannot be edited or deleted.
Although not a requirement for use, ECTA and DaSy will be contacting states that are using the COS Module-PDP to request data about usage and we hope states will be willing to share such information.
Accessing the COS Process Standalone Module
The COS Process Standalone Module will be available upon request to any state Part C or Part B Section 619 program. This version of the module was developed using Articulate® Storyline® 3 and is available in two formats: HTML5 (for the web) or SCORM (version 2004 for LMS) packages. These packages will contain all the necessary content and coding for the various features/functions (e.g., videos, interactive activities) depending on how you deploy the module. The expectation is that the state has the technical capacity to integrate the COS Module-PDP into their LMS or website but assistance with the integration is available.
ECTA and DaSy can provide TA to support state staff in planning for and implementing the PD strategy in the context of their state system(s), including integrating state-specific resources. TA to support the state early childhood programs will also be available for addressing the items mentioned in the Terms of Use section. Limited IT support will also be available to support the integration of the COS Module-PDP into the LMS.
See also: Topical COS PD Activities, Self-Directed Learning
Professional Development to Strengthen COS Knowledge and Skills
These resources are designed to be embedded in various types of professional learning opportunities, including webinars, face-to-face training, and individualized coaching and practice. Several include collections of training activities on specific topics.
- Topical COS PD Activities includes a collection of targeted PD activities and materials indexed by topic.
- Applied Practice for COS Skill Building Activity includes activity instructions and written case studies for practitioners' applied practice.
- Age Anchoring Guidance for Determining COS Ratings provides answers to commonly asked questions about age anchoring as it applies to the COS process and examples of how the guidance applies in practice.
- Aligning a Child's Functional Skills with the Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes supports high-quality COS ratings by helping teams connect their observations of children's functional skills and behaviors with the three child outcomes.
- Understanding Functional Skills: Background for the COS Process helps teams think about measuring a child's use and integration of functional skills to participate in their everyday routines.
- COS Practice Scenarios (COS-PS) are a collection of scenarios of children, ages 6 months to 5 years, that allow you to practice aligning information about each child with the three child outcomes and anchoring the information by age.
- Answering the "Ever" Question on the Decision Tree: Key Points and Practice Scenarios includes self-directed and team-based training materials providing key points and practice scenarios for team decision-making when answering the first question on the COS Decision Tree for Summary Rating Discussions: "Does the child ever function in ways that would be considered age-expected with regard to this outcome?"
- COS Team Collaboration (COS-TC) includes training materials and online objects supporting self-assessment of COS teaming practices.
- COS Completion When Teams Can't Meet In Person includes considerations, best practices, and helpful resources for extenuating circumstances when teams must conduct COS meetings using telecommunication devices such as phone and/or computers with or without video or having discussions with team members in different locations through teleconferencing.
- Special Considerations When Using the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) 7-Point Scale: Questions and Answers
Following professional development activities for the COS Process, consider using the Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check (COS-KC) as an assessment that examines whether a practitioner has sufficient knowledge to participate in the COS team process and produce accurate ratings for child outcomes measurement.
Frequently Used Resources
- Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes
- Decision Tree for Summary Rating Discussions
- Definitions for Outcomes Summary Ratings
- COS Process Discussion Prompts
- Child Development Resources
- State/Program-Specific COS Process Policies and Procedures Checklist
- Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process Quick Reference Guide
- Resources for More Information about the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process
- Outcomes FAQ