Child Outcomes Summary Team Collaboration (COS-TC)

The Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process requires strong team collaboration. Based upon an easy-to-use checklist, the COS Team Collaboration (COS-TC) Quality Practices materials can help those who implement, supervise, or train on the COS process promote the use of team collaboration practices.
Target audiences for the COS-TC Quality Practices materials are:
- Providers/teams who are using the COS process to collect child outcomes data and who have completed the DaSy/ECTA COS Process Module: Collecting and Using Data to Improve Programs; and
- Trainers and other program staff who want ideas for planning and facilitating professional development on team collaboration in the COS process, and identifying program improvement opportunities
For Individual Providers and Teams
COS-TC Quality Practices Checklist and Descriptions
Built around a set of quality practices, the checklist provides a mechanism for those who implement, supervise, or train on the COS process to identify, observe, and assess recommended team collaboration. It includes a description of each of the quality practices, what it is, and two examples of ways to introduce the different COS discussion points with team members.
- Guidance on Using the COS-TC Checklist
- COS-TC Quality Practices Checklist and Descriptions
- COS-TC Quality Practices Checklist
COS-TC Quality Practices Checklist and Descriptions: Online Practice
The online practice gives early intervention and early childhood special education providers an opportunity to extend their learning by watching video clips of COS team meetings with families and rating the extent to which providers in the videos use COS-TC Quality Practices.
For Trainers
COS-TC Quality Practices Trainer's Guide
The Trainer's Guide contains full- and half-day training agendas, a presentation and suggestions for how to use video clips of COS meetings to improve providers' understanding of the quality practices contained in the checklist. Video clips can be downloaded for training purposes online at the COS-TC Quality Practices Video Library.
- COS-TC Quality Practices Trainer's Guide
- COS-TC Quality Practices Training Presentation
- COS-TC Quality Practices Video Library
Training Scenarios
Talking with Families about Assessment Results
This scenario includes a description of a team's assessment practices and conversations with a family. Suggestions for using the scenario in provider training are included, such as evaluating the scenario using DEC Recommended Practices and the Agreed Upon Practices.
Quality Team Collaboration Practices in Assessment
This scenario prompts providers to evaluate and reflect upon the use of the COS-TC Quality Practices with families during team assessment and when determining COS ratings. Suggestions for using the scenario in provider training are included.
Webinar: COS-TC Quality Practices
This October 18, 2017 webinar shares information about the checklist. Participants are provided with an overview of the different components of the COS-TC resource collection, as well as a demonstration of their potential uses by those who implement, supervise, or train on the COS process to promote the use of quality team collaboration practices.
Parent Reaction to Engaging in the Process
Providers' Reactions Engaging Families in the COS Process
The contents of these documents were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Z120002, and a cooperative agreement, #H326P120002, from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. DaSy Center Project Officers, Meredith Miceli and Richelle Davis and ECTA Center Project Officer, Julia Martin Eile.