COS Calculators and Ratings Conversion
How Data from the COS Process Can Be Used to Address the OSEP Reporting Requirement
Many states use the COS process to collect child outcomes data for federal reporting purposes. These documents explain how the information produced from the COS process can be used to classify a child into one of the 5 reporting categories that make up the OSEP reporting requirement on child outcomes.
- COS to OSEP Requirement Document (2006)
- Federal Reporting Categories (2014)
Converting COS Data to OSEP Progress Categories/Summary Statements
The Interactive Guide to Converting COS Data to OSEP Progress Categories/Summary Statements developed by ECTA and DaSy explains how COS Process Ratings are converted to the child outcomes data that states report annually to the federal government (progress categories a–e). An explanatory video and a set of online calculators is included to allow users to explore how the data are converted.
Tools and Resources
- COS to OSEP Categories Tutor — This calculator was designed to show what OSEP reporting categories are generated from all possible combinations of COS ratings at entry and exit. Open the file and be sure you are in the worksheet labeled "Tutor." Follow the instructions to see how different combinations of COS ratings leads to one of the 5 OSEP reporting categories. The tutor allows you to experiment with various combinations of outcomes ratings and progress question answers to see what OSEP category each combination produces.
- COS Calculator (2017) — This Excel file can be used (or adapted for use by someone who knows Excel) with large data sets of COS ratings (up to 12,000 rows). The calculator will use summary form ratings data to:
- Generate OSEP progress category information and charts on child outcomes
- Generate OSEP summary statement percentages and charts on
- Generate entry and exit COS ratings and charts for all three child outcomes
- Generate description information on “a” and “e” progress categories across all three outcomes
- Summarize data issues (for example, missing data, valid data)
- Calculating OSEP Categories from COS Reponses (2007) — This document contains 3 tables. The first two tables show the OSEP reporting category generated from all possible combinations of COS ratings at entry and exit. The third table presents combinations of entrance and exit ratings that are impossible and provides explanations for why.