State-Developed Materials on the Child Outcomes Summary Process
Many states have created materials or adapted COS process materials for training personnel in outcomes measurement processes and procedures. See examples below. If you have training materials to share, or would like assistance to develop training materials, reach out to the ECTA Center's Child Outcomes Measurement topic contact.
- Arkansas 2013 Data Summit Workshop: This training was conducted in June 2013 for early intervention and early childhood service providers at the 2013 Data Summit in Little Rock, Arkansas. Information in this workshop included components of the COS process as well as looking at and interpreting data.
- Alaska: Implementation Survey (2010)
- Alaska: COSF EI/ILP Training Booklet
- Child Outcomes Summary Process Training Resources (May 2008)
- Age Anchoring Tool for Outcome 1 (2011)
- Age Anchoring Tool for Outcome 2 (2011)
- Age Anchoring Tool for Outcome 3 (2011)
- COSF Training Presentation
- Delaware Implementation Survey (2010)
- One-day COSF Refresher: Sample Training Materials (2010)
- Delaware Preschool Child Outcomes Manual
- Delaware: COSF Refresher: ECO Center staff conducted a one-day 'COSF Refresher' training with Part C and 619 (preschool) staff in Delaware on March 10, 2010. Topics included the history and background of the child outcomes measurement requirement, understanding the 7-point COSF scale, immediate foundational skills, and recommended practices for the COSF process.
Department of Defense (DoD)
- DoD: COSF Scale Descriptors, aka "Bucket List" (2010)
- DoD: AE-IF and F Activity and Answer Key (2010)
- DoD: Matching COSF Ratings Activity and Answer Key (2010)
- Module One - COSF Training Guide
- Module Two - Completing the EDIS Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) Presentation
- Module Two - COSF Training Guide
- IFSP - George William Wonder
- Case Study - George William Wonder
- Training Presentation: What Counts: Measuring the Benefits of Early Intervention In Hawaii (2006)
- What Counts: Measuring the Benefits of Early Intervention FAQ's (2006)
- Iowa: Early Childhood Outcomes Workshop: This training was conducted in June 2012 for service providers that work in both the early intervention and early childhood special education programs in Iowa. Information and activities in the training related to the main components of the COS process (assessment, the 7-point scale, age anchoring and the decision tree) as well as offered opportunities to practice using the components to complete ratings on sample children. Additional information about ensuring a quality COS process and data reporting was included.
- Understanding Young Children's Development is a three-part module series that reviews the general principles of child development pertaining to the acquisition of social-emotional skills, examines several traditional approaches to organizing child development information, and provides an opportunity to practice observational skills.
- Training Presentation: OSEP's New APR (2006)
- Instructions for Using the Illinois Child Outcomes Rating Scale and Summary Form (2006)
- Early Childhood Outcomes Project Assessment List (2006)
- Planning Form For Child Outcome Process (2006)
- Planning Form For Child Outcome Process - Activity Sample (2006)
- Sample Completed Child Outcomes Summary Form (2006)
- Got Data? A Workshop on Early Childhood Outcomes: This two-day training provided a review of child outcomes measurement and data collection using the COSF. The training also introduced strategies for assuring the quality of COSF data and ways to analyze and use outcome data for program improvement.
- Maryland: COS Training for Part C Providers: ECO Center staff collaborated with staff from the Maryland State Department of Education and Johns Hopkins University's Center for Technology in Education to provide COS training to Maryland Part C providers in November 2011. The training was organized by tracks: Track 1 content was intended for new users of the COS process, while Track 2 was designed for advanced users and trainers throughout the state.
- Massachusetts Interagency Coordinating Council: Hosted by Kathy Hebbeler, this October 2012 webinar presented "Embedding Child and Family Outcomes" to a retreat for the Massachusetts ICC and also included the national and Massachusetts data on child outcomes for 2010-11.
- Minnesota Implementation Survey (2010)
- COSF with Decision Tree (2010)
- COSF Companion for categorizing skills (2010)
- Training Presentation: Using the Child Outcomes Summary Form (2006)
- Montana Decision Tree (2006)
North Carolina
- Four-part COSF Training:
- COSF Training Unit 1: Professional Development for New Staff (2010)
- COSF Training Unit 2: COSF Refresher
- Trainer Notes (2011)
- COSF Refresher slides (2011) or Streaming Presentation
- State of the Nation slides (2011)
- Implementation Issues slides (2011)
- COSF Training Unit 3: Quality Assurance (2011)
- Trainer Notes
- Quality Assurance Slides
- COSF Training Unit 4: Data Analysis (2009)
North Dakota
- Age Expectation Milestones (Quick Reference) (2010)
- Age Expectation Milestones (Full) (2010)
- COSF Quality Assurance Checklist and Checklist Directions
- An Overview of the Outcomes, OSEP Categories and Developmental Trajectories (2010)
- Ohio Preschool Special Education Outcomes Institute on Data Analysis: ECO Center and NECTAC staff collaborated with Ohio's Office of Early Learning and School Readiness, Department of Education to conduct two two-day professional development opportunities for local 619 administrators and service providers. This training emphasized the reporting and use of child outcomes data.
- Oklahoma Early Intervention and Preschool Special Education Programs: This training was conducted in December 2012 by Grace Kelly (SERRC) and Christina Kasprzak, NECTAC/ECO Center.
- Early Childhood Accountability in Pennsylvania (ECAP): How are we measuring child progress in Pennsylvania? (2007)
- ECAP Child Outcomes Summary Form (2007)
- ECAP Directions for Completing the Child Outcomes Summary Form (2007)
- ECAP Resource Folder: Pennsylvania Decision Tree, Definitions of the Ratings, and Guidance for Understanding Child Outcomes (2007)
- ECAP: Frequently Asked Questions (2007)
Rhode Island
- Child Outcomes Quality Assurance (with Playlist) (March 3, 2010)
- Sample Training: Increasing the Quality of Child Outcomes Data (2010)
- Texas: Integrating Child Outcomes Measurement into the IEP Process: This training was conducted with 20-25 TA providers that work in the Texas Regional Service Centers on the topic of integrating the child outcomes summary process into the IEP process and on involving families more in both the COS process and the IEP process. Information and activities related to integrating child outcomes measurement into the IEP process, communication strategies to build collaboration, involving families in the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) discussion, and involving families in the IEP process.
- Texas: Analyzing and Using Child Outcomes Data: This training was conducted with 25-30 TA providers that work in the Texas Regional Service Centers on the topic of analyzing and using child outcomes data collected using the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF). Information and activities related to reviewing and interpreting data, pattern checking, and communicating with various audiences about the data.
- Texas: Increasing the Quality of Child Outcomes Data: This training was conducted with 20-25 TA providers that work in the Texas Regional Service Centers on the topic of increasing the quality of child outcomes data collected using the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF). Information and activities related to reviewing and interpreting data, pattern checking, and communicating with various audiences about the data.
- Child Progress Determination: Questions to Guide the Discussion of Functional Indicators (2007)
- Steps to Progress Determination for Children in Early Intervention and Indicator Reporting (2007)
- Decision Tree with Prompts for Summary Rating Discussion (2007)
- Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia - Online Training Modules
- At a Glance: Child Outcomes (2011)
- At a Glance: Child and Family Outcomes (2011)
- At a Glance: COSF Rating Scale Decisions (2011)
- Washington: Child Outcomes Summary Process in New ESIT DMS: This presentation was conducted in December 2011 by Kathy Hebbeler, ECO Center at SRI. Includes information about completing outcomes measurement within the newly developed Washington IFSP document.