Early Childhood Data Sources
This page provides links to national and state-by-state data on policies, performance, and initiatives related to early childhood care and education. Resources that are specific to one topic are organized by topic.
Topic Select
- Abuse and Neglect/Child Welfare
- Assessment/Screening
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Child Care
- Data Systems
- Early Childhood Advisory Councils
- Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS)
- Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)
- Early Learning Challenge Grantees
- Early Learning Standards/Guidelines
- Head Start/Early Head Start
- Health/CSHCN
- Home Visiting
- Homelessness
- IDEA: Part C (Infants and Toddlers)
- IDEA: Section 619 (Preschool)
- Indicators of Child Well-Being
- Kindergarten
- Low Income
- Mental Health
- Professional Development
- Public Pre-K
- Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS)
- Race to the Top: Early Learning Challenge Grantees
- School Readiness
- Statistics, State Policies, Laws, Budgets: Multiple Topics
Abuse and Neglect/Child Welfare
Child Maltreatment 2016 (2018)
this resource from the Children's Bureau provides national and state statistics and reports on topics including abuse and neglect, child characteristics, fatalities, perpetrators, and services provided to children and families.
State Statutes Series: Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect (2016)
This resource from the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides state laws that define the conduct, acts, and omissions that constitute child abuse or neglect that must be reported to child protective agencies.
Knowing the Numbers: Accessing and Using Child Welfare Data (2014)
This overview from Child Trends describes data sources useful to the child welfare community and answers the following questions: What are the major data sources? What can I do with the data/what can they tell me? How do I access them (both the public-use datasets with child-level information, as well as, summary data)?
Child Welfare State Statutes Database
This database from the Child Welfare Information Gateway is updated regularly and allows the user to search state statutes for issues related to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
Assessment Tools Used in Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEAs) (2017)
this national report from CEELO provides the current assessment tools that are used in states to assess the development of children at kindergarten entry.
State Approaches to School Readiness Assessment (2014)
The National Conference of State Legislatures examines how states are assessing school readiness at kindergarten and how readiness information is used and reported. Appendix A summarizes approaches used in the 25 states that perform assessments. This is an update to NCSL's 2010 Technical Report: State Approaches to School Readiness Assessment.
State of the States Policy Snapshot: State Early Childhood Assessment Policies (2014)
this brief from CEELO is based primarily on secondary analysis of data collected in the State of Preschool Yearbook and presents a snapshot of responses from the states to questions about child assessment.
State Pre-K Assessment Policies: Issues and Status (2012)
the Educational Testing Service examines current approaches states are using to assess children enrolled in Pre-K programs, some of the challenges of assessing young children's learning, and suggested sound practices for states to consider implementing. A summary chart of assessment practices used by states is included on page 14.
Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) Program (2012)
The NASHP and the Commonwealth Fund's ABCD program was designed to strengthen primary health care systems that support the healthy development of young children, ages 0-3. Since 2007, the ABCD Screening Academy has worked with states to increase the use of a developmental screening tool during well-child care visits and improve the identification of children with or at risk for developmental delays. This Web site provides information about state specific ABCD program resources and activities.
See also: ABCD Publications Library
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism Data and Statistics (2014)
this data report from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network reveals that for 2010, the overall prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among the ADDM sites was 1 in 68 children aged 8 years, approximately 30% higher than previous estimates. It finds that: ASD is almost 5 times more common among boys than girls; white children are more likely to be identified with ASD than black or Hispanic children; most children with ASD are not diagnosed until after age 4; and almost half of children identified with ASD have average or above average intellectual ability compared to a third of children a decade ago.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Publications Analysis Report: The Global Landscape of Autism Research (2012)
This inaugural report from the IACC describes several key aspects of and trends related to ASD research publications, which can be used to inform planning and strategic funding decisions for future autism research. The report also includes information on where ASD research is being conducted, which funders are sponsoring the published work, and the extent of collaboration between countries and research institutions.
State Autism Profiles (2016)
Easter Seals reports statistics, state-led activities, benefits, programs and services for children with autism for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Child Care
Parents and the High Cost of Child Care
this report from Child Care Aware of America provides an overview of the child care landscape across the U.S. and highlights strategies states and communities are using to help parents afford child care. It finds that over the past decade, child care affordability remains unchanged: in many communities across the country, child care costs exceed the cost of housing, college tuition, transportation, or food.
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plans
This page from the OCC lists state CCDF plans that were awarded CCDF funds for child care programs and planned initiatives for child development services.
Child Care in America: 2017 State Fact Sheets
The Child Care Aware of America provides data on issues related to the state of quality child care and early learning programs across the country, the child care workforce, the costs of child care, and the circumstances working families face when trying to find affordable, quality child care.
National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulations
The OCC offers this database for searching state and territory licensing regulations and agency contact information. Licensing requirements are frequently updated in response to new legislation, data analysis, provider feedback, and in response to new research and industry trends.
Child Care and Development Fund Statistics
This page from the Office of Child Care provides statistics compiled through CCDF data reported by States and Territories. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), also called the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), is the primary source of Federal funding for child care subsidies for low-income parents to help pay for child care.
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections
This database funded by OCC and OPRE provides scholarly research, policy briefs, government reports, data, and instruments on child care and early education from a wide range of disciplines and sources, including multiple federal agencies. Includes interactive tools that allow users to refine their searches, download full text documents, build customized tables on state policies, compare state demographics, and analyze research data online.
Data Systems
2018 State of Early Childhood Data Systems
This report from the Early Childhood Data Collaborative provides a state-by-state analysis and recommendations for improving coordination of early childhood education data across systems and agencies. Interactive maps and state profiles that describe individual state's capacity for linking child, program, and workforce related data are included.
IDEA Part C and Part B 619 State Data Systems: Current Status and Future Priorities (2013)
This report from DaSy provides national and state-by-state information on ten features of IDEA Part C and Part B 619 data systems. A related State of the States series of interactive maps is also available.
Developing Coordinated Longitudinal Early Childhood Data Systems: Trends and Opportunities in Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Applications (2012)
A brief from the ECDC that analyzes plans to enhance early learning data systems in the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge applications of 30 states that addressed this priority. It highlights a number of trends among states in the development of integrated state early learning data systems.
Responding to COVID-19 and Building for the Future (2020)
In this brief from the Data Quality Campaign, key principles of development and specific action steps are identified for state and federal policymakers to meet the need for better early childhood data.
Early Childhood Advisory Councils
State Advisory Councils
The HHS ACF provides information about State Advisory Councils (SACs) and SAC Applications. The State Advisory Council Final Report 2015 for accomplishments states made in meeting the requirements of State Advisory Council grants and suggests implications for future Council work.
Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS)
Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Impact (ECCS Impact) Grant Program (2018)
Grants from the ECCS Initiative have strengthened State systems to promote early childhood development since 2003. The ECCS Impact grant program has demonstrated improved outcomes in population-based children’s developmental health and family well-being indicators.
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)
Annual Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Data (1999-2016)
Provides national and state data from the CDC EHDI Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey.
See also: EHDI State Programs.
Early Learning Challenge Grantees
Early Learning Challenge Grantees (2012-2017)
The Race to the Top–Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) discretionary grant program from Early Learning Challenge Technical Assistance, administered jointly by the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services, supports states in building statewide systems that raise the quality of Early Learning and Development Programs and increase access to high-quality programs for children with high needs, so that all children enter kindergarten ready to succeed.
Early Learning Standards/Guidelines
The State of Preschool 2016: Statewide Early Learning Standards
A publication from NIEER and the only national report on state-funded preschool programs with detailed information on enrollment, funding, teacher qualifications, and other policies related to quality.
State/Territory Early Learning Guidelines (2017)
this document from the National Center on Child Care Quality provides an overview of the implementation of early learning guidelines (ELGs), a count of State/Territory ELGs by age group, and links to all State ELGs.
Head Start/Early Head Start
2014 Head Start and Early Head Start Profiles (2016)
These profiles from CLASP include data on participating children, families, and staff in Early Head Start, Head Start and Migrant Head Start programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. CLASP's national fact sheets include:
- Head Start Participants, Programs, Families,and Staff in 2014 (2016)
- Early Head Start Participants, Programs, Families, and Staff in 2014 (2016)
- Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Participants, Programs, Families, and Staff in 2014 (2016)
Head Start Program Fact Sheets
A resource from the Office of Head Start, HHS of key data on Head Start programs, appropriations, staff qualifications, the characteristics of children and families enrolled in Head Start and the services they receive.
Head Start / Data and Ongoing Monitoring
The Office of Head Start, HHS provides data management resources, research, and data reports about quality programs.
Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), 1997-2022 (2015)
This survey from OPRE launched in 1997 to provide national information on Head Start children and families, as well as, the programs and staff who serve them. Several renditions of FACES have occurred since 1997, and the newest contract for 2019-2022 will be conducted by Mathematica Policy Research.
Children in Early Head Start and Head Start: A Profile of Early Leavers (2014)
This brief from OPRE uses data from the Early Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (Baby FACES) and the 2009 cohort of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2009) to explore the child-, family-, and program-level factors that may be associated with whether children leave Early Head Start or Head Start before their eligibility ends.
A Spotlight on Dual Language Learners in Head Start: FACES 2014 (2018)
This brief from the HHS, ACF provides a nationally representative description of children characterized as dual language learners (DLL) in Head Start. The data are drawn from the 2014 cohort of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2014)
Health/Children with Special Health Care Needs
Child Health USA
This report from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau provides graphical and textual summaries on the health status and service needs of America's children, covering over 50 health-related indicators.
Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program: State Snapshots
The Federal Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant program provides a foundation for ensuring the health of the Nation's mothers, women, children and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs, and their families. This webpage provides highlights of states' Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) data.
National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) (2016)
The Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health collects national, state, and regional data on multiple aspects of children's lives, including physical and mental health status, access to quality health care, and information on the children's families, neighborhoods and social context.
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN) (2011-2012)
The Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health collects nationwide data on the health and functional status of children with special health care needs in the U.S., including data on their physical, emotional and behavioral health, critical information on access to quality health care, care coordination of services, access to a medical home, transition services for youth, and the impact of chronic condition(s) on children's families.
Medical Home State Data Pages
This resource, also from the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health, provides data on how children in each state experience the receiving of care within a medical home.
Medical Home Initiatives and Resources by State
The NCMHI is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and is housed in the AAP Division of Children with Special Needs. This webpage provides state-by-state information on medical home initiatives and resources.
See also: Indicators of Child Well-Being and Mental Health
Home Visiting
2018 Home Visiting Yearbook
This publication from the National Home Visiting Resource Center (NHVRC) offers comprehensive national and state data from evidence-based early childhood home visiting models and awardees of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) fund.
Investments in Early Learning: State Profiles (2016)
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) developed this resource to celebrate young children and highlight important early learning investments by location, type of investment, amount of investment, and key demographics for each location. These investments have paid for efforts to help build a continuum of care beginning with voluntary home visiting and continuing until children enter kindergarten.
Early Childhood Homelessness in the United States: 50-State Profile (2016)
This resource from Administration for Children and Families (ACF) provides a snapshot of data available for young children experiencing homelessness in each state and can be used as a tool for communities in planning to meet the needs of these children.
America's Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness (2014)
The NCFH also provides comprehensive state-by-state data on the status of homeless children in America.
IDEA: Part C (Infants and Toddlers)
IDEA Section 618 Data
This webpage from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs provides access to current and historical IDEA Section 618 data.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) Final Report (2007)
This 10-year longitudinal study (1997-2007) from SRI International followed a nationally representative sample of 3,338 children and their families who began early intervention services in 1997-1998 through their experiences in early intervention and into early elementary school. Findings from the study provide information about the characteristics of children and families receiving early intervention services, the services they receive, and the outcomes they experience.
OSEP's Annual Reports to Congress on the Implementation of the IDEA (1995-present)
This is an annual report on the progress made toward the provision of a free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities (Part B, including Section 619 preschool special education) and the provision of early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities (Part C).
Part C SPP/APR Indicator Analyses (2009-present)
These reports from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs provide national summaries of data reported on states' State Performance Plans/Annual Performance Reports (SPP/APRs) for young children and families who receive services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Promoting Social-Emotional Wellbeing in Early Intervention Services: A Fifty-state View (2009)
This summary from the NCCP highlights findings from a study done to determine how states are leveraging different policy choices to support the integration of social-emotional developmental strategies into Part C early intervention services. Part C coordinators from forty-eight states' participated in the study.
State Efforts to Meet the Early Childhood Transition Requirements of IDEA (2009)
This document from Project Forum, NECTAC and NECTC highlights policies and practices adopted by six states (FL, IN, KY, NH, NM and WV) to meet the early childhood transition requirements of IDEA.
IDEA: Section 619 (Preschool)
IDEA Section 618 Data
A page from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs that provides current and historical IDEA Section 618 data.
OSEP's Annual Reports to Congress on the Implementation of the IDEA (1995-present)
This is an annual report on the progress made toward the provision of a free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities (Part B, including Section 619 preschool special education) and the provision of early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities (Part C).
Part B SPP/APR Indicator Analyses (2009-present)
These reports from the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Editor) provide national summaries of data reported on states' State Performance Plans/Annual Performance Reports (SPP/APRs) for young children and families who receive services under Part B of the IDEA.
Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS) (2003-2010)
This study from the Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research followed a nationally representative sample of 3,104 children with disabilities who were 3 through 5 years of age in 2003-04. Findings provide information on the characteristics of children receiving preschool special education, the services they receive, their transitions across educational levels, and their performance over time on assessments of academic and adaptive skills. PEELS data collection began in fall 2003 and was repeated in winter 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009. To gain access to the PEELS restricted-use datasets, contact the IES Data Security Office at IESData.Security@ed.gov or go to http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/licenses.asp. Researchers who have questions about PEELS data may contact Celia Rosenquist for more information
See also: PEELS Publications and Products
State Efforts to Meet the Early Childhood Transition Requirements of IDEA (2009)
A document from Project Forum, NECTAC and NECTC that highlights policies and practices adopted by six states (FL, IN, KY, NH, NM and WV) to meet the early childhood transition requirements of IDEA.
Indicators of Child Well-Being
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being: Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (2017)
Presents key indicators on important aspects of children's lives in America, including for example: Family Reading to Young Children, Child Care, Health Insurance Coverage, Preterm Birth and Low Birthweight, and Preschool Vision Screening.
2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book (2017)
Since 1990, KIDS COUNT has examined trends and state rankings on child well-being across four domains: (1) Economic Well-Being, (2) Education, (3) Health, and (4) Family and Community.
Mapping Family Change and Child Well-Being Outcomes (2015)
The World Family Map Project identifies and tracks family factors affecting child and family well-being across 60 countries, focusing on 16 specific indicators selected by an expert group because of their known relationships to child outcomes in the research literature.
This interactive online tool provides state-by-state data on child wellbeing and equity in the U.S. by race and ethnicity. The site allows users to create customized profiles, rankings, and maps. It also features a neighborhood-level child opportunity index, developed in partnership with the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University.
The State of America's Children (2017)
This annual report on the well-being of children provides data on child population, poverty, family structure and income, housing, child nutrition, early childhood, education, and more.
Online Kindergarten Database (2014)
Provides state policy information on the 50 states and DC, including: whether a Child Must Attend Kindergarten, Kindergarten Entrance Age, Compulsory School Age, Kindergarten Readiness Assessments, Curriculum, Minimum Required Days/Hours for Kindergarten, Kindergarten Standards: General Info, and Teacher/Student Ratios.
Full-day Kindergarten: Indicators on Children and Youth (2015)
This report looks at trends in the percentage and demographics of children enrolled in full-day kindergarten programs in the U.S. over the past 35 years.
Inequalities at the Starting Line: State Kindergarten Policies (2013)
This review of kindergarten policies across all 50 states finds that significant diversity exists in state kindergarten policies across and within states. The report raises questions about the implications of having such diverse policies and the potential impact on children's future educational success.
First-Time Kindergartners in 2010-11: First Findings From the Kindergarten Rounds of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) (2012)
Provides a snapshot of 3.5 million kindergartners who were attending kindergarten in the U.S. for the first time in the 2010-11 school year.
Low Income
Basic Facts About Low-income Children, 2015: Children Under Age 3 (2017)
Basic Facts About Low-income Children, 2015: Children Under Age 6 (2017)
These fact sheets from the NCCP describe the demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics of young children and their families: highlighting important factors that appear to distinguish low-income and poor children from their less disadvantaged peers.
Early Childhood State Profiles (2018)
These state profiles from the NCCP provide a comprehensive view of state policies in the areas that affect the health and well-being of young children in low-income families.
50-State Policy Wizard
The NCCP creates custom tables with information about state and federal policies that assist low-income families and children.
Mental Health
Mental Health Surveillance Among Children: United States, 2005–2011 (2013)
This report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) summarizes information about ongoing federal surveillance systems that can provide estimates of the prevalence of mental disorders and indicators of mental health among children living in the United States and presents estimates of childhood mental disorders and indicators from these systems during 2005–2011. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (6.8%) was the most prevalent parent-reported current diagnosis among children aged 3–17 years, followed by behavioral or conduct problems (3.5%), anxiety (3.0%), depression (2.1%), and autism spectrum disorders (1.1%).
Using Medicaid to Help Young Children and Parents Access Mental Health Services: Results of a 50-State Survey (2017)
This brief from the NCCP summarizes states' use of Medicaid as a primary funding source for early childhood mental health (ECMH) services. It presents the results of a 50-state survey capturing information from state administrators about Medicaid coverage, related policies, and ECMH services for children ages birth to 6. The findings help determine how states are leveraging different policy choices to support the integration of social-emotional developmental strategies into Part C early intervention services.
Unclaimed Children Revisited: The Status of Children's Mental Health Policy in the United States (2008)
This report from the NCCP updates a 1982 report on mental health services in the U.S. for children with mental health problems, those at risk, and their families. Most chapters include data related to early childhood mental health services. For example, in Chapter 3, see the section entitled "Services and Supports for Young Children", Table 3: "States' Initiatives to Expand Early Childhood Mental Health" and Figure 2: "Scope of Funding for Early Childhood Mental Health Initiatives."
Professional Development
State Personnel Standards Database (2014)
A searchable database of all personnel standards for professional disciplines serving infants and young children.
See also: Early Childhood Personnel Center's Data Reports and Literature Syntheses
What Do We Know About Principal Preparation, Licensure Requirements, and Professional Development for School Leaders? (2014)
This review of states' principal licensure requirements finds that although preschool classrooms are often part of primary schools, early childhood content is not a required element of principal preparation or professional development for principals in most states. Very few states have any formal requirement for early childhood content in licensure for principals responsible for early education programs.
Coaching and Quality Assistance in Quality Rating Improvement Systems: Approaches Used by TA Providers to Improve Quality in and Education Programs and Home-based Settings (2012)
Presents findings from an interview study of administrators overseeing statewide QRISs that investigated features of the professional development and on-site technical assistance available to center-based staff and home-based providers who participate in states' Quality Rating Improvement Systems.
Public Pre-K
State of the States Policy Snapshot: State Pre-K Monitoring and Evaluation Policies (2013)
This policy brief from CEELO discusses why evaluation and monitoring systems are important for quality early education. It provides secondary analyses of state responses to survey questions related to the data they collect to monitor and evaluate pre-k program quality. The data was originally gathered by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) during surveys of state preschool programs conducted in 2006 and 2012.
Implementing 15 Essential Elements for High-Quality Pre-K: An Updated Scan of State Policies (2018)
NIEER's recent state-by-state scan of policies evaluates 59 state-funded preschool programs and determines how well each implemented a list of 'essential elements' necessary for high-quality programs. The analysis gives deep insight into each state's implementation strategies, areas of strength, support infrastructure, and areas for improvement.
Data Tool: 10 Characteristics of Preschool-Age Children (2017)
This resource from the Urban Institute provides U.S. indicator data on children ages 3 to 5 based on 2011-2015 data gathered from the American Community Survey (ACS). The data groups are defined by school enrollment, family income, and the parents' nativity. The 10 characteristics covered are: Enrollment, Race and Ethnicity, Citizenship, Family Income, Parental Education, Parental Employment, Parental Nativity, Parental English Proficiency, Number of Parents Present in Home, and Primary Parental Language. See the technical appendix for further details.
The State of Preschool: Annual State Pre-K Reports
This Yearbook fromNIEER has tracked state-by-state data and described national trends for enrollment in, quality of, and spending on state-funded preschool since 2002.
State Pre-K Funding 2016-17 Fiscal Year: Trends and Opportunities (2017)
This analysis from the ECS reveals that 2016-17 state pre-K funding increased $480 million or 6.8% over 2015-16. The review highlights a number of state examples and describes early learning opportunities for states under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS)
See: Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS)
Quality Compendium
This searchable, web-based compendium compiles the latest details on QRIS in every state, territory and region/locality in the U.S. and allows users to compare data for the QRIS in different states or localities, examine data for specific categories, create reports, and download datasets.
QRIS Resource Guide: State Information
Provides a summary of the status of each state's work to implement or develop a QRIS, or other large-scale quality improvement initiative.
Coaching and Quality Assistance in Quality Rating Improvement Systems: Approaches Used by TA Providers to Improve Quality in Early Care and Education Programs and Home-based Settings (2012)
Presents findings from an interview study of administrators overseeing statewide QRISs that investigated features of the professional development and on-site technical assistance available to center-based staff and home-based providers who participate in states' Quality Rating Improvement Systems.
Race to the Top: Early Learning Challenge Grantees
See: Early Learning Challenge Grantees
School Readiness
What It Means to Be Kindergarten Ready in the U.S. (2016)
This white paper shows that there is substantial common ground among state Kindergarten Readiness standards across all 50 states, with 15 specific skills that 85 percent or more of states would like to see children acquire before entering kindergarten.
State Approaches to School Readiness Assessment (2014)
Examines how states are assessing school readiness at kindergarten and how readiness information is used and reported. Appendix A summarizes approaches used in the 25 states that perform assessments. This is an update to NCSL's 2010 Technical Report: State Approaches to School Readiness Assessment.
Early School Readiness (2012)
A report from Child Trends that examines children's competence of four cognitive and early literacy school readiness skills and explores trends using data from the National Center for Education Statistics' National Household Education Surveys (NHES):
- Parents' Reports of the School Readiness of Young Children, 2007
- Home Literacy Activities and Signs of Children's Emerging Literacy, 1993 and 1999
Statistics, State Policies, Laws, Budgets: Multiple Topics
50-State Data Tools and Resources
A collaboration of NCCP, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, and OPRE (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families) created this resource on early child care and education topics, including state policies, service expenditures, program information, demographics, and workforce characteristics.
The Condition of Education 2017 (2017)
This congressionally mandated annual report summarizes important trends in education using the latest available statistics.
2015 State Baby Facts (2016)
Factsheet overview of infant/toddler quality indicators in states’ QRIS.
Infant-Toddler Policy Perspectives
A database of state policies and initiatives on topics that impact infants, toddlers and their families.
Children's Budget (2016)
This annual guide provides an analysis of all federally funded programs that are meant to enhance the well-being of children across the country and how their appropriations levels have changed over the past five years.
Early Care and Education State Legislation Database
A searchable database of state legislation on issues related to child care and child care financing, early childhood services, prekindergarten, professional development, home visiting, infants and toddlers, and financing early education. It can be searched by state, topic, status, primary sponsor, bill number or keyword.