Practice Improvement Tools: International Recognition

Going global: Researchers and policymakers from several countries have expressed interest in the ECTA System Framework and our Practice Improvement Tools!
ECTA Performance Checklists and Practice Guides for Practitioners and Families based on the DEC Recommended Practices have been translated for use in Spain by Margarita (Marga) Cañadas Pérez, Director of L'Alquería Early Childhood Education Center, and professor in the School of Psychology at the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain. She has worked with her colleagues there on the translations and is conducting research on their use. She is working to improve practices for young children with disabilities and their families in Spain and expanding that effort to other countries.

Professionals from 14 Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries attended the 2018 2nd International Meeting on latest trends and research in early intervention and child development in Merida, Spain. They have already begun to create the Ibero-American Early Childhood Association.