Application for TA: Supporting Part B 619 State and Local Child Outcomes Data Use Cohort
May 6, 2020The ECTA and DaSy Centers are requesting applications from Part B 619 state programs to participate in a multi-state cohort aimed at improving the quality and usefulness of child outcomes data for local programs. The cohort will include individualized support from a TA team and facilitated opportunities to collaborate with other states. The focus of the cohort is supporting local child outcomes data use.
On This Page
- Tuesday, May 28, 2020: Applications due
- Monday, June 4, 2020: States notified of their application status
- Friday, June 15, 2020: Kickoff webinar
Cohort Description
The Supporting Local Child Outcomes Data Use Cohort is an 18-month initiative focused on improving the capacity of state education agencies (SEA) and local education agencies (LEAs) to collect, report, and use high quality child outcomes data. A state team including at least the Part B 619 coordinator, Part B data manager, or state staff with responsibilities for LEA child outcomes data collection and reporting, and LEA local representative— will work collaboratively with other state teams and TA providers from the ECTA and DaSy Centers to build SEA and LEA capacity to use child outcomes data for accountability and program improvement. On regular calls with all participating states and TA providers, TA staff will present information from a curriculum developed using identified resources and other state sharing. TA staff from ECTA and DaSy will support the state in identifying local districts to participate in the cohort. TA staff will work with the state team to support state identified local districts.
Intended Outcomes
The intended outcomes of this cohort include both SEA and LEA outcomes. The TA will be provided to the SEA and TA is intended to increase the capacity of the SEA to support the LEA's use of data. The SEA will develop processes and guidance for the LEA and the TA center will support the SEA in evaluating the effectiveness of those processes and guidance in improving the intended LEA outcomes.
- SEA will have increased capacity to effectively convey the vision, mission, and uses of the child outcomes data collection to LEAs.
- SEA will identify accountability and program improvement questions related to child outcomes.
- SEA will improve the quality, usefulness, and dissemination of child outcomes reports.
- SEA will increase capacity to support local use of child outcomes data.
- LEA providers, supervisors, and others involved in data collection will have increased knowledge, skills, and commitment to analyze and use the data.
- LEA will identify accountability and program improvement questions related to child outcomes.
- LEA will improve the interpretation, reporting, and communication of child outcomes data.
- LEA will increase the regular use of child outcomes data to inform program improvements.
Participation Requirements
Each state team in the cohort, with support of TA providers, will perform a self-assessment of their state and of their participating LEAs' local child outcomes measurement system; develop an individualized plan; implement and evaluate state activities; contribute to peer-to peer learning; and participate in the overall and individualized cohort evaluation activities.
Each state plan will have intended outcomes that focus on specific areas of need related to:
- Increasing the quality of local child outcomes data; and
- Increasing the knowledge of and capacity for SEAs and LEAs to use state/local data to improve state/local systems, practices, data quality, etc. that lead to better outcomes for children with disabilities and their families.
Each state must include at least one stakeholder from the local level (i.e., LEA) as part of the team to participate in the initiative and co-develop and co-lead the implementation of the individualized plan. Team members must include the Part B 619 coordinator, LEA representative, and Part B data manager or state staff with responsibilities for the LEA child outcomes data. Based on the state's focus, other examples of team members include state or local professional development (PD) or TA staff, provider, family representative, or local data lead.
All state teams are expected to participate in the following TA activities:
- Monthly individual TA calls with state team and TA providers
- Monthly cross-state webinars with all state teams and TA providers. Frequency will be finalized with input from selected states.
- Up to two cross-state in-person meetings. Travel for three state team members will be sponsored by the TA centers.
- One or more on-site visits to the state or LEA(s) by TA providers, as requested. Time and travel to on-site visits by TA providers will be covered by the TA centers.
Eligibility Requirements
All state Part B 619 programs are eligible to apply regardless of the method used to collect child outcomes data.
Application Requirements
- Applicants must complete an application and submit electronically no later than the May 28, 2020.
- The application must be submitted by the Part B 619 coordinator with agreement from the special education director.
- TA staff are available to help you complete the application. Contact Kellen Reid:
Application Contents
You can use the following application contents to help prepare your application in advance:
Application Questions
- For questions 1a-e, please describe the status of your child outcomes system in the following five areas and rate your need for TA in each area as low (i.e., no need for TA), medium (i.e., can make some progress without TA), or high (i.e., can't make progress without TA).
- PD related to child outcomes measurement, including data use.
- Family engagement as it relates to child outcomes data use (e.g., are families engaged in identifying critical questions to be answered with the data?).
- Child outcomes data quality.
- State methods used to disseminate child outcomes data products to the LEAs (e.g., dashboard, profile, data display).
- LEA methods used to disseminate child outcomes data products.
- Have you recently changed or are you thinking about changing your method for collecting outcomes data (e.g., Child Outcome Summary, publisher-determined automatic conversion, etc.)?
- How do you determine the completeness and accuracy of your state and LEA child outcomes data? What are the procedures used by LEAs with a small number of children exiting?
- For what purposes and for which audiences do state and local districts currently use child outcomes data beyond reporting for the APR?
- Do you have other ongoing state initiatives related to local child outcomes data use (e.g. SSIP, PDG B-5)? Describe the relationship and how they would enhance your participation in this cohort. Please include information that could address questions such as:
- How closely aligned is local child outcomes data use to the initiative?
- Is the initiative statewide?
- Does the initiative include children with and without disabilities?
- Does the initiative include the use of child outcomes data to inform implementation or evaluation of evidence-based practices?
State Team Members
The Child Outcomes Topic Cohort State Team is comprised of three to seven people knowledgeable about and committed to the use of child outcomes data to improve local programs. A denotes required state team members.
- Part B 619 coordinator
- Part B data manager (or state staff with responsibilities for LEA child outcomes data collection and reporting)
- LEA representative
- Family representative
- Statewide training and TA personnel
- State regular early childhood education staff (e.g., state preschool office, Head Start coordinator)
- Staff from other early childhood programs (e.g., Head Start, Early Head Start, public preschool, other programs/settings serving young children with or at-risk for delays/disabilities)
- Additional/Other (specify)
- Additional/Other (specify)
- Additional/Other (specify)