COS Guidance and Policies
States should develop written guidance related to expectations and approaches to data collection with input from a wide range of stakeholders.
Some states develop highly formalized policies and procedures, and others embed their guidance in professional development activities for local programs or districts. Clear guidance reinforces the Purpose for Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Data Collection, and is important for obtaining high quality, consistent data.
Policies and Procedures Checklist
This checklist helps program leaders at the state and local levels develop, evaluate, and improve written guidance, policies, and procedures related to:
- Informing families about the COS process
- Tools used during the COS process
- Timing of the COS process
- Teaming during the COS process
- Determining and recording the rating
- Special circumstances for exit ratings
- Sharing local program data and state data
Stakeholder Engagement
When developing or revising data collection guidance and policies, include individuals with many different roles and perspectives. Doing this minimizes unintended impacts and addresses a wider range of ideas, concerns, and needs.
Resources and Tools for Stakeholder Engagement
- Stakeholder Engagement Resources from the DaSy Center
- Building Effective Teams for Stakeholder Engagement
- Building Effective Virtual Teams for Stakeholder Engagement
- Leading by Convening: A Blueprint for Authentic Engagement
Disseminating and Updating Guidance
Determine Responsibilities
States vary in terms of who is assigned responsibility for disseminating guidance, but it is critical that guidance (and any changes) are widely circulated.
Communicate Expectations
Everyone involved in data collection must understand what is expected, where to find guidance, who to contact with questions, and how to get additional support.
Reference Guidance
Staff should reference guidance when answering questions about the data collection process so that consistent answers are provided.
Compile Frequently Asked Questions
Many states document and disseminate their most frequently asked questions, providing clear and consistent answers until guidance is revised.
Building Capacity with Professional Development
State staff should provide initial and ongoing COS professional development so practitioners and educators develop skills implementing the child outcomes data collection.
See also: System Framework Personnel / Workforce Component
Resources and Tools for COS Guidance and Policies
- State Child Outcomes Measurement System (S-COMS) and the Local Child Outcomes Measurement System (L-COMS) frameworks both include a component on purpose with quality indicators.
- The State/Program-Specific COS Process Policies and Procedures Checklist is helpful for state planning in developing guidance related to COS data collection.
- The State-Developed Materials on the Child Outcomes Summary page includes examples of state-developed guidance and policy materials. For instance, there are links to state FAQs about data collection with the COS process, as well as guidance documents with policies, procedures, steps in the process, and links to resources.
- Outcomes FAQ
If you are developing or revising your guidance about child outcomes data collection, contact ECTA's child outcomes measurement topic specialist to discuss your plans.