February 24, 2025Updates from the ECTA Center
Recruitment for Cohort of New aRPy Ambassadors
aRPy Ambassadors help build states' capacity to use the Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center's Practice Improvement Tools. These tools support implementation of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices by local practitioners and families.
The cohort will consist of professional-level ambassadors who represent state agencies, institutes of higher education (IHEs), and technical assistance (TA) and state professional development providers.
- Applications for new Ambassadors are due March 14, 2025.
- Applicants will be notified of their status by April 11, 2025.
The project is a partnership between ECTA, DEC of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), and Parent to Parent of Georgia/the Region B Parent Technical Assistance Center (PTAC).
Call for 2025-2026 Part C Finance Academy Applications Coming Soon
The Part C Finance Academy cohort will help state teams:
- Identify system challenges
- Plan and prepare for unknown events
- Weigh decision options
- Communicate prioritized strategies with critical partners
During the 12-month long Academy, state teams will use fiscal and program data to understand where they want their early intervention system to be in the future. Academy requirements includes participation in a cross-state face-to-face meeting. Selected participants are also strongly encouraged to attend the IDEA Part C Fiscal Forum, May 13-15, 2025, in Kansas City, MO.
Part C Coordinators will be emailed in early March once the application is available. This cohort is a collaboration between:
- The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)
- Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA)
- Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting (CIFR)
- Center of IDEA for Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy)
- Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
News from the Field
IDEA Part C Exiting Data Check Tool
The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass. The tool, developed by the DaSy, can save states time by identifying potential format errors, validation errors, and other errors in subtotals or totals. The tool has been updated to allow users to create the EDPass file per the specifications in FS901 – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (IDEA Part C) Exiting File Specification. Thorough instructions for creating the file are included.
The deadline for submitting exiting data into EDPass has been extended to March 5, 2025.
2024 March of Dimes Report Card
The 2024 March of Dimes Report Card indicates the maternal and infant health crisis is worsening. The Report Card highlights key indicators to describe the current state of maternal and infant health. Those include updated rates and grades for data on infant mortality, leading causes of infant death, and maternal health. The 2024 Report Card also examines supportive midwifery policies and those aimed to increase screening for postpartum depression.
The preterm birth grade was D+ in 2023; the worst grades occurred in the southern region of the U.S. Preterm birth rate indicates those born before 37 completed weeks gestation.
The detailed analyses in the report help inform policies and programs that move us towards improving the health of birthing people and the millions of babies born each year in the U.S., D.C., and Puerto Rico.
Family Perspectives of the Roles of Parent Training and Information Centers and Service Coordinators in Early Intervention
A new article in Topics in Early Childhood Special Education shares Family Perspectives of the Roles of Parent Training and Information Centers and Service Coordinators in Early Intervention.
Family-centeredness is a tenet of early intervention, yet families often report struggling to meaningfully participate in decision-making. To increase family involvement, Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and service coordinators are charged with educating and empowering families to advocate for their children. This study explored the perceptions of families about the supports provided by PTIs and service coordinators. By understanding their roles, targeted efforts can be made to ensure that families are meaningfully supported during early intervention.