Key Principles and Practices: Literature Search Help
Literature Type
Articles may reflect one or more of the following types of literature:
- Assessment/evaluation tool description
- Provide information and details about evaluation and assessment tools or the development and validation of instruments/tools used in early intervention
- Literature review/ Review of research
- Syntheses of early intervention research or meta-analysis of research literature exploring similar questions
- Mixed methods
- Includes multiple methods of research design, often with both qualitative and quantitative methods.
- Opinion
- Reflect the authors' opinion but do not include research methods or results
- Personnel Preparation
- Provide information and resources about personnel preparation methods or programs in early intervention
- Program Description
- Provide information and details about specific programs, curricula, service delivery approaches, intervention strategies and/or processes in early intervention
- Qualitative Research
- descriptive studies using such methods as observation, interview, case studies, ethnographies, etc.
- Quantitative Research with Control
- Applies a treatment to one group of study participants and compares effects with a comparable but untreated control group
- Quantitative Research
- Systematic empirical investigations analyzing numeric data to answer a question or test a theory
- Theoretical
- Describe the authors' theories and hypotheses but do not include research methods or results.
The types of professionals that may fall within a category, but do not constitute an exhaustive list of the types of professionals that may be included.
- All Professionals
- includes service coordinators, educators, therapists, etc.
- Child Care Providers
- Public, private daycare or preschool providers
- EI/ECSE Professionals
- includes home visitors, infant toddler specialists, teachers, early childhood special educators, etc.
- Mental Health Providers
- Social workers, psychologists or counselors
- Other
- This category will capture professionals not otherwise listed in this coding.
- Parents
- Parents children or adults with disabilities
- Physical and occupational therapists
- Speech, language pathologists and speech therapists
- Therapists (all)
- Includes all therapists working in early intervention (e.g., SLPs, PT, and OT).
- At-risk
- Children living with biological or social risk factors which are associated with increased incidence of developmental delays or disabilities
- Autism
- Behavioral and Social Emotional Delays and Disabilities
- Including infant and child mental health issues
- General Populations
- Pertains to all disability areas or across populations or mentions multiple populations within the article.
- Medically Fragile
- Pertains to children with health related risk factors or conditions
- Motor delays and disorders
- May include both gross and fine motor, or only gross or fine motor delays
- N/A
- A specific disability is not named within the article or reviewers have determined that the content is not disability specific.
- Significant Delays or Disabilities
- Speech and language delays and disorders
Populations, urban and rural settings, and income level:
- General/mixed demographics
- The article may indicate that it pertains to multiple demographics, or has been noted by reviewers to relate specifically to population
- Urban
- Rural
- Demographic
- Related specifically to a demographic population
- Low Income
- Not a specific focus
- Does not specifically relate to demographics