Dual Language Learners
When assessing young children for early intervention or special education services, practitioners must determine which language will be used to conduct assessments and to ensure that appropriate assessment or screening tools are used. It is critical to obtain a complete understanding of the child's abilities, in order to determine whether certain patterns of development and behavior are caused by a disability or linguistic differences.
Selected Resources
Tools and Resources for Identifying All English Learners (2016)
This toolbox was developed by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) to help state and local education agencies in meeting their obligations to English Learners (ELs), including preschool-age children. It should be used in conjunction with Dear Colleague Letter: English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents from the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) reminding states, school districts and schools of their legal obligations to English learners under civil rights laws and other federal requirements. The guidance includes information on evaluating English learners for special education services.
Dual Language Learners: Research Informing Policy (2013)
The Center for Early Care and Education Research: Dual Languaage Learners is a federally funded project to advance the research field to improve assessment, child care, and education for dual language learners (DLLs) from birth through five years of age. Their research brief describes issues and policy implications in developing early childhood programs, policies and practices, including language, learning, literarcy development, and early and accurate identification and assessment.
Dual Language Learners with Disabilities: Supporting Young Children in the Classroom (2012)
This module from IRIS Center offers an overview of young children who are dual language learners. Further, it highlights the importance of maintaining children and families' home language at the same time they are learning a new or second language, discusses considerations for screening and assessing these children, and identifies strategies for supporting them in inclusive preschool classrooms.
Examining the Use of Language and Literacy Assessments With Young Dual Language Learners (2012)
This study examined the procedures used to assess children in large-scale government-funded studies that included Dual-Language Learners (DLLs) and in smaller studies that examined the development of language and literacy among DLLs in the United States and Canada. Three research questions guided our analysis of the procedures used to assign children to assessments. The discussion of findings related to procedures is organized according to these questions:
- What is the prevalence of different methods for assigning assessments in different languages?
- Does the procedure for determining language of assessment vary by study purpose or sample characteristics such as children's age?
- Are results similar when different methods are used to assign children's language of assessment?
Working Paper #2: Development of Infants and Toddlers Who Are Dual Language Learners (2014)
This paper identifies areas of research knowledge and gaps in the understanding of the development of infants and toddlers who are dual language learners.