Development of the System Framework
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The ECTA Center has completed a system framework for high quality, effective, and efficient Part C and Section 619 programs as one of its initial knowledge development activities over the first two years of its cooperative agreement with OSEP.The work has involved collaboration with national, regional, and state partners.
Six Partner States (DE, ID, MN, NJ, PA, WV) representing Part C and Section 619 contibuted to the work with the ECTA Center staff to ensure that the framework is reflective of (and applicable to) the variety of state systems (e.g. Lead Agency, eligibility criteria) and useful to Part C and Section 619 programs.
The Center benefitted from the expertise of a Technical Work Group (TWG) made up of national TA providers, researchers, and consultants with expertise in the field to help guide the development process.
The framework is designed to guide state-level Part C and Section 619 coordinators and staff in evaluating their current Part C and Section 619 systems, identifying areas for improvement, and providing direction on building a more effective system that requires, supports, and encourages implementation of effective practices.
The framework and corresponding self-assessment are:
- Evidence based;
- Useful to Part C and Section 619 programs, including resources and exemplars to illustrate ways state can meet quality;
- Responsive to the variation that exists across states; designed in a way that recognizes that states can reach quality in different ways;
- Related to critical areas of Part C and Section 619;
- Consistent with IDEA requirements;
- Consistent with recommended early childhood practices (e.g. DEC, DAP);
- Consistent with best practices from implementation science;
- Developed through an iterative validation process where consensus is built across national and state experts in the field; and
- Comprised of key components of an effective Part C and Section 619 system including governance structure, finance, personnel/workforce, accountability and quality improvement, and data systems. These components include sub-components and quality indicators and elements of quality designed to measure the extent to which a component is in place and of high quality.
The framework and corresponding self-assessment are being designed as tools for states to self-assess and plan for improvement on the extent to which they are implementing IDEA and supporting local implementation of effective practices.
The ECTA Center will provide general, targeted and intensive TA related to using the framework, self-assessment and resources to help all states improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their systems.
System Framework Knowledge Development and TA Team
Christina Kasprzak, Kathleen Hebbeler, Anne Lucas, Katy McCullough, Sharon Walsh
Partner States
- Lisa Crim, Sue Campbell, and Carol Ann Schumann, Birth to Three Early Intervention System
- Verna Thompson, Section 619 Preschool Coordinator
- Christy Cronheim, Part C Coordinator
- Shannon Dunstan, Early Childhood Coordinator, (Section 619 Preschool)
- Lisa Backer, Early Childhood Special Education Supervisor (Section 619 Preschool)
- Kara Hall Tempel, Part C Coordinator
New Jersey
- Terry Harrison, Part C Coordinator
- Barbara Tkach, Section 619 Preschool Coordinator
- Jim Coyle, Kim Koteles and Mary Anketell, Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Bureau of Early Intervention Services
West Virginia
- Ginger Huffman, Section 619 Preschool Coordinator
- Pam Roush, Part C Coordinator
Technical Work Group
- Mary B. Bruder, Director, Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC), University of Connecticut
- Lori Connors-Tadros, Project Director, Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes, National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University
- Barbara Gebhard, Assistant Director of Public Policy, ZERO TO THREE
- Maureen Greer, Executive Director, Infant Toddler Coordinator Association (ITCA)
- Vivian James, 619 Preschool Coordinator, Office of Early Learning, NC Department of Public Instruction
- Grace Kelley, Program Specialist, South East Regional Resource Center (SERRC)
- Jana Martella, Co-Director, Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO), Education Development Center, Inc.
- Robin McWilliam, Director of the Center for Child and Family Research, Siskin Children's Institute
- Cindy Oser, Director of Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Strategy, ZERO TO THREE
- Ann Reale, Principal, ICF International and ELC TA Collaboration Lead, ELC TA Program
- Rachel Schumacher, Early Childhood Policy Consultant, R. Schumacher Consulting
- Jodi Whiteman, Director, Center for Training Services and Special Projects, ZERO TO THREE