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25 resources match your search criteria:
- System Framework = GV
Resource Name | Quality Indicator(s) | Notes |
Provides a video of the webinar and slides with excellent information on what should be included and how to bring a group together to focus on the task of creating and refining a purpose, mission and vision. The video is 30 minutes long. |
Part of the'Mind Tools' tool kit for leadership, this brief web article focuses on the difference between mission and purpose and provides tips on how to develop statements. The 4 minute video gives background information. |
State example of mission and purpose statement. |
State example of mission statement on the program's home page. |
State example of vision, purpose, mission statement on the program's home page. |
State example of program principles on page 2. |
This guide, written by the Government Finance Officers Association, has very good information on developing a communication plan and engaging stakeholders to spread the word. |
The Communications and Engagement Workbook was adapted from KSA-Plus communication for Race to top Grantees. The workbook format is designed for state teams to use in planning a communications campaign and designing an action plan of next steps. |
While this guide is about developing evaluation questions, it includes information on: preparing for stakeholder engagement (pg. 9-13); identification of stakeholders (pg. 13-17); prioritizing your list, dealing with touchy issues (pg. 30-34); and a stakeholder strategy (pg. 20-30). All of it is applicable to EI work. It also contains worksheets. (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Series) |
This Web site provides information about writing a policy, rule, or guideline. It serves as a guide to help formulate ideas and write a well-constructed new policy or revise an existing one. It provides helpful tips on how to:
(MIT Information Systems and Technology) |
The report by the CT Early Childhood Planning Team provides good information on how the state went about re-doing the administrative structures of all their EI programs, including Part C and 619. It provides information on the various structures they looked at in choosing their option. |
This report examines state level governance structures for Florida's Early Education Programs to see if the current structure results in administrative challenges (pg. 4-8) and what alternatives could be suggested (pg. 9-11). Beginning on pg. 22, it shares organization models other state early care and education systems have used and presents options to consider. (Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability) |
This guide is older, but still applicable. It is available as an ERIC reprint. Written by the Institute for Family-Centered Care, it stresses the benefits and barriers of using families as advisors (pg. 6-12); making it happen (pg. 13-36); advisory roles and activities (pg. 38-47); and guidelines for promoting family participation. (Written by E. Jeppson and J. Thomas) |
This resource provides an example of state guidelines and fee calculations for parents participating in ICC activities. |
This six page document describes several ways ICCs can encourage and expand diverse parent representation on councils and committees. Although it specifically concerns parent members, it can also be useful for general recruitment of diverse members. |
This 8 page newsletter is devoted to developing an advisory committee and recruiting and retaining membership. (U.S. Dept. of Education Mentoring Resource Center, CA) |
This brief provides information on evaluating and improving meaningful family engagement in the school system. Logic models can be useful guides to help answer questions about what needs to be changed or improved. While the brief is designed to help guide school districts' family engagement strategies, the principles can be applied to other settings and organizations as well. (Harvard Family Research Project) |
This paper includes 3 statements supported by research stressing the importance of building and supporting high quality leadership at all levels of the Early Care and Education system. The distinction between leadership and management is described on pg. 2. |
This article describes the difference between leaders of change and leaders who manage change. (Bruhn, J., Health Care Manager, 23(2), 132-140) |
This video/webinar explores how to do strategic planning based upon the Balanced Scorecard approach. It is designed for government and non-profit organizations. Other excellent material about leadership and performance management is also available on the website where this video is located. (Balanced Scorecard Institute) |
This practical how to guide includes: selecting your goals, audiences messages; using internal resources; developing materials. It contains tips and checklist on making and implementing a communication plan. (Wallace Foundation) |
This resource contains good and brief information on identifying objectives, audiences, key messages, and communication methods, including feedback loops. It also contains information on funding and implementing a communication plan. It is part of a larger communication toolbox. |
Sections of the guide to note: Why are Partnerships Important?, What is Collaboration?, Evaluating Partnership and Problems. Appendix contains tools for functions, outcomes and surveys. (National Association of Community Action Agencies) |
The Communications and Engagement Workbook was adapted from KSA-Plus communication for Race to top Grantees. The workbook format is designed for state teams to use in planning a communications campaign and designing an action plan of next steps. |
The Community Tool Box is a public service of the University of Kansas. It is developed and managed by the KU Workgroup for Community Health and partners nationally and internationally. All resources are web-based and set up as chapters with various short, easy to read and useful sections. Chapter 8 is devoted to Strategic Planning, including: Section 5: Developing the Action Plan, Section 6: Obtaining Feedback from Constituencies, and Section 7: Action Steps to Bring About Change. |