March 19, 2025Updates from the ECTA Center
Engaging Professional Development to Improve and Change Practices
The Engaging Professional Development to Improve and Change Practices (EPIC-P) Cycle is a data-informed cycle for providing state or entity-wide professional development (PD) support in four components:
- Needs analysis
- Design
- Experiences
- Evaluation
It is a roadmap for leaders to navigate the complexities of planning, implementing, and evaluating ongoing PD support. The EPIC-P Cycle helps ensure statewide PD support efforts are coordinated, impactful, and aligned with the overall goals and priorities of the state program.
A self-assessment tool helps teams identify activities to enhance and maintain efforts across the components of the EPIC-P Cycle, based on their current work supporting professional development at the state or entity level. A reflection activity helps teams evaluate how familiar and comfortable they are with various aspects of the four components of the EPIC-P Cycle's four components.
News from the Field
Understanding Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and Supporting Families
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye condition that affects premature infants. It occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. While many cases of ROP resolve on their own, some require treatment to prevent vision loss. Early detection and intervention are crucial, making education and awareness essential for parents, caregivers, and medical professionals. Early intervention services can play a significant role in helping children with vision loss reach their full potential. Early Intervention programs include a large range of services and can provide key functional vision assessments for understanding a child’s vision. You can learn more about risk factors for ROP, diagnosis, and treatment from Prevent Blindness' page on Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP).
2024 Tipping Points Survey Results Available from ITCA
The 2024 IDEA Infant & Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA) survey included responses from 53 of the 56 Part C state coordinators on issues and challenges of Part C implementation. Questions were in five categories: state funding, child services, referrals, provider issues, and early childhood partnerships. ITCA uses this information to track emerging issues and state responses related to eligibility, state financial support, personnel, decisions regarding continued participation in Part C, and involvement in the broader early childhood system. ITCA supports state and entities Part C coordinators and promotes mutual assistance, cooperation, and exchange of information and ideas in the administration of Part C.
Prenatal Experiences and Desires With Early Intervention for Families of Children With Down Syndrome
Part C early intervention (EI) starts no earlier than birth, even with a prenatal diagnosis that results in automatic eligibility. Pregnant families cannot access EI. Other early U.S. home visiting programs can begin prenatally which increases the likelihood of uncovering certain diagnoses. In Prenatal Experiences and Desires With Early Intervention for Families of Children With Down Syndrome, a study sought to understand families' perspectives on their desire for prenatal EI and how EI could support them. Seventeen primarily White non-Hispanic mothers, with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, shared their experiences through retrospective, qualitative interviews. Families saw benefits to starting prenatally to enroll in and understand EI and to prepare for their baby’s arrival through individualized outcomes. Families appreciated their postnatal EI experience and envisioned similar supports prenatally. They discussed their shared experiences in relation to pre- and postnatal EI.
Why Parents of "Twice-exceptional" Children Choose Homeschooling Over Public School
In Why Parents of 'Twice-exceptional' Children Choose Homeschooling Over Public School, a 2023 survey by the Institute of Education Sciences, 28% of parents said they homeschooled mainly due to the school environment. But 12% of the respondents prioritized homeschooling because they are the parents of "twice-exceptional children". These children have learning challenges such as autism or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and advanced skills. These parents may be especially interested in homeschooling for three reasons:
- The "masking" problem: Sometimes, a child’s disabilities can hide their giftedness.
- Individualized instruction: Parents believe they can better meet their child’s unique needs than a classroom teacher tasked with teaching many students simultaneously.
- Behavioral and emotional needs: Parents feel more prepared to address both their child’s challenging behaviors and their gifted abilities due to knowing their child.