RI Early Childhood State Contacts
Data Current as of March 30, 2025
Because the following information is highly subject to change, the ECTA Center cannot ensure the accuracy of this contact list. To let us know of corrections to this list, please see ECTA State Contact Assignments and notify the ECTA State Contact directly.
Preschool (Section 619) Coordinator for Rhode Island
- Margaret Hassan, Education Specialist
- Office of Student, Community and Academic Supports
- Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- 255 Westminster Street
- Providence, RI 02903
- Phone: (401) 222-8947
- Fax: (401) 222-3605
- Email: margaret.hassan@ride.ri.gov
- Website: https://ride.ri.gov/instruction-assessment/early-childhood-education/early-childhood-special-education
Infant/Toddler (Part C) Coordinator for Rhode Island
- Jennifer Kaufman, Part C Coordinator
- Executive Office of Health and Human Services
- Center for Child and Family Health
- 74 West Road, Building 74
- Cranston, RI 02920
- Phone: (401) 462-3425
- Fax: (401) 462-2939
- Email: Jennifer.Kaufman@ohhs.ri.gov
- Website: http://www.eohhs.ri.gov/Consumer/FamilieswithChildren/EarlyIntervention.aspx
- ReferWebsite: http://www.eohhs.ri.gov/Portals/0/Uploads/Documents/Early%20Intervention/EI_ProviderList_10.22.19.pdf
Interagency Coordinating Council Chair for Rhode Island
- Casey Ferrara, ICC Chair
- Director of Early Childhood Programs Early Childhood Education
- Meeting Street
- 1000 Eddy St
- Providence, RI 02905
- Phone: (401) 533-9252
- Email: cferrara@meetingstreet.org
- Tara Hayes , ICC Vice Chair
- Family Voices Manager
- 300 Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 300
- Warwick, RI 02888
- Phone: (401) 270-0101 x139
- Email: THayes@ripin.org
Staff, Interagency Coordinating Council for Rhode Island
- Stephanie Trafka, ICC Support Staff
- Rhode Island Parent Information Network
- 300 Jefferson Boulevard
- Suite 300
- Warwick, RI 02888
- Phone: (401) 270-0101 x 139
- Fax: (401) 270-7049
- Email: strafka@ripin.org
- Website: https://ripin.org/icc/