OH Early Childhood State Contacts
Data Current as of December 30, 2024
Because the following information is highly subject to change, the ECTA Center cannot ensure the accuracy of this contact list. To let us know of corrections to this list, please see ECTA State Contact Assignments and notify the ECTA State Contact directly.
Preschool (Section 619) Coordinator for Ohio
- Jody Vice Beall, 619 Coordinator
- Ohio Department of Children and Youth
- 246 N. High Street
- Columbus, OH 43215-4183
- Phone: (614) 466-5016
- Email: jody.beall@childrenandyouth.ohio.gov
- Website: https://childrenandyouth.ohio.gov/home
Infant/Toddler (Part C) Coordinator for Ohio
- Taylor Hammond, Part C Coordinator
- Ohio Department of Children and Youth
- 246 North High Street, 8th floor
- Columbus, OH 43215
- Phone: (614) 728-9164
- Email: taylor.hammond@childrenandyouth.ohio.gov
- Website: ohioearlyintervention.org
- ReferWebsite: https://ochids.odh.ohio.gov/public/refer