CT Early Childhood State Contacts
Data Current as of March 30, 2025
Because the following information is highly subject to change, the ECTA Center cannot ensure the accuracy of this contact list. To let us know of corrections to this list, please see ECTA State Contact Assignments and notify the ECTA State Contact directly.
Preschool (Section 619) Coordinator for Connecticut
- Renee Kleinman, 619 Coordinator
- Bureau of Special Education
- State Department of Education
- 165 Capitol Avenue
- Hartford, CT 06106
- Phone: (860) 713-6468
- Fax: (860) 713-7023
- Email: Renee.Kleinman@ct.gov
- Website: https://portal.ct.gov/SDE
Infant/Toddler (Part C) Coordinator for Connecticut
- Nicole Cosette, Part C Coordinator
- Birth to Three System
- Office of Early Childhood
- 450 Columbus Boulevard
- Hartford, CT 06103
- Phone: (860) 500- 4403
- Fax: (860) 418-6003
- Email: Nicole.Cossette@ct.gov
- Website: https://www.birth23.org/
- ReferPhone: (800) 505-7000
- ReferWebsite: https://www.birth23.org/referral/referral-form/
Interagency Coordinating Council Chair for Connecticut
- Cindy Jackson, ICC Chair
- Children's Therapy Services
- 46 Roxbury Court
- Cheshire, CT 06410
- Phone: (203) 271-3288
- Website: https://www.birth23.org/about/
- Leona Adamcyzk , ICC Vice Chair
- Website: https://www.birth23.org/about/
Staff, Interagency Coordinating Council for Connecticut
- Jayne Smalls, Administrative Assistant
- State of CT Office of Early Childhood
- 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 205
- Hartford, CT 06103
- Phone: (860) 500-4408
- Website: https://www.birth23.org/about/