AK Early Childhood State Contacts
Data Current as of March 30, 2025
Because the following information is highly subject to change, the ECTA Center cannot ensure the accuracy of this contact list. To let us know of corrections to this list, please see ECTA State Contact Assignments and notify the ECTA State Contact directly.
Preschool (Section 619) Coordinator for Alaska
- Kristen Spencer, 619 Coordinator, Educational Specialist II
- State Department of Education and Early Development
- 801 West 10th Street
- PO Box 110500
- Juneau, AK 99801-0500
- Phone: (907) 465-4862
- Fax: (907) 465-4156
- Email: kristen.spencer@alaska.gov
- Website: http://education.alaska.gov/tls/sped/
Infant/Toddler (Part C) Coordinator for Alaska
- Pamela Kellish, Early Intervention Manager/Part C Coordinator
- Division of Senior and Disabilities Services
- Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
- 751 Old Richardson Highway, Suite 100A
- Fairbanks, AK 99701
- Phone: (907) 451-5041
- Fax: (907) 269-3497
- Email: pam.kellish@alaska.gov
- Website: https://health.alaska.gov/dsds/Pages/infantlearning/default.aspx
- ReferWebsite: http://dhss.alaska.gov/dsds/Pages/infantlearning/referral/default.aspx
Interagency Coordinating Council Chair for Alaska
- Molly McManamin, ICC Chair
- Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education
- 550 West 7th Ave. Suite 1230
- Anchorage, AK 99501
- Phone: (888) 269-8990
- Fax: (907) 269-3951
- Website: http://dhss.alaska.gov/gcdse/Pages/default.aspx
Staff, Interagency Coordinating Council for Alaska
- Elena Markova, Program Coordinator
- Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education
- 550 West 7th Ave. Suite 1230
- Anchorage, AK
- Phone: (907) 269-8462
- Fax: (907) 269-8995
- Email: elena.markova@alaska.gov
- Website: http://dhss.alaska.gov/gcdse/Pages/default.aspx