SSIP Phase III: Year 1 SIMRs and Reports
All states have identified a child or family outcome that they are working to improve through their State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). The outcome that the state has selected is referred to as their State-identified Measureable Result(s) (SiMR). Included below is a list of SIMR statements excerpted from state Phase III, Year 1 SSIP reports submitted to OSEP in April 2017.
State Quick-Select
- Alabama
- To increase the number of infants-toddlers served through Alabama’s Early Intervention System who make substantial progress in social-emotional outcomes.
- Alaska
- State-Identified Measurable Result (SiMR) of the percentage of Alaska Part C infants and toddlers who show greater than expected growth in social-emotional development will substantially increase from 65% to 65.2% by Federal Fiscal Year 2018.
- American Samoa
- Acquiring and using knowledge and skill summary statement 2 / The percent of infants and toddlers who are functioning at age expectations by the time they turn 3 years of age or exit the program.
- Arizona
- Arizona will increase the percent of children who exit early intervention, in identified regions, with greater than expected improvements in their social relationships (Summary Statement 1 of Outcome A).
- Arkansas
- Families report that EI helped them help their child develop and learn.
- California
- Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers with disabilities in California who will substantially increase their rate of growth in positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) by the time they exit the early intervention program.
- Colorado
- All infants and toddlers who receive early intervention services in Colorado will demonstrate increased growth in the use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
- Connecticut
- Parents of children who have a diagnosed condition will be able to describe their child's abilities and challenges more effectively as a result of their participation in Early Intervention.
- Delaware
- To increase the number and percentage of infants and toddlers who demonstrate progress in the area of social emotional development.
- District of Columbia
- To substantially increase the rate of developmental growth in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills for Medicaid-eligible children.
- Florida
- Increase the percent of infants and toddlers who exit early intervention with an increased rate of growth in positive social emotional skills.
- Georgia
- Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers who are nearer or meet age expectations for positive social-emotional skills including social relationships. (APR Indicator 3A, progress categories c & d, Measurement summary statement 1.)
- Guam
- Increase the percentage of “greater than expected” rate of growth in acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language and communication) of infants and toddlers with disabilities by the time they exit the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS).
- Hawaii
- Infants and toddlers with disabilities in demonstration sites will have substantially increased their rate of growth in positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) by the time they exit EI.
- Idaho
- To increase the percentage of infants and toddlers exiting early intervention services who demonstrate an increased rate of growth in positive social emotional development. Idaho’s SiMR includes three of seven regions (regions 1, 2, and 3).
- Illinois
- To increase the percentage of infants and toddlers with disabilities who demonstrate greater than expected progress (i.e., Summary Statement 1) in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills in our pilot areas (i.e., Aurora, East St. Louis, and Williamson) by .9 percentage points by 2018.
- Indiana
- Indiana’s First Steps (Part C) program will increase the percentage of low income children and African American children showing greater than expected growth in all three child outcomes, but particularly social-emotional development.
- Iowa
- Increasing the percentage of families that report early intervention has helped them help their child develop and learn.
- Kansas
- Kansas will see improvement in the early childhood positive social-emotional skills outcome for Medicaid-eligible children exiting from three designated tiny-k programs with skills at age-appropriate levels as measured by indicator 3, Outcome A, Summary Statement 2.
- Kentucky
- Early intervention providers will change in their ability to coach parents on interventions and strategies to help their child develop and learn. Parents will change their self-perception of their ability to help their child develop and learn. SIM-R focus: SPP/APR Indicator 4 C, Early Intervention helped parents learn how to help their children develop and learn.
- Louisiana
- The EarlySteps system will improve child outcomes through supports that are focused on family concerns, priorities, and resources and provided through a team-based approach.
- Maine
- Maine will increase the percentage of infants and toddlers with an IFSP that demonstrate improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills by the time they turn three or exit the program.
- Maryland
- To substantially increase the rate of growth of positive social emotional skills in infants, toddlers, and preschool age children with developmental delays/disabilities in four (4) Local Infants and Toddlers Programs (LITPs).
- Massachusetts
- MA Identified improving positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships), as measured by Summary Statement 1, as its State-Identified Measurable Result (SIMR).
- Michigan
- To increase the social and emotional outcomes for infants and toddlers in the pilot service areas as measured by Indicator 3a, Summary Statement 2, by 11.2 percentage points by 2018.
- Minnesota
- Infants, toddlers, and preschool children with disabilities will substantially increase their rate of growth in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills by the time they exit Part C or transition to kindergarten.
- Mississippi
- Mississippi will increase the number of children who qualified for Part C services on the basis of a developmental delay, without any known medical conditions and/or sensory impairments, who exit Part C at or near age expectations for acquiring and using knowledge and skills, including early communication/language and literacy skills.
- Missouri
- Increase by 10 percent the number of children with disabilities participating in the ECO pilot who improve their social-emotional skills by the time they exit Part C, for children entering Part C below age-expectations in social-emotional skills.
- Montana
- Children will improve in their social and emotional development.
- Nebraska
- Increase the number and percentage of infants and toddlers who demonstrate progress in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication) – 3B, Summary Statement 1.
- Nevada
- Percent of infants and toddlers who entered or exited the program below age expectations but substantially increased their rate of growth in the area of positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) by the time they turned 3 years or exited the program.
- New Hampshire
- The percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who demonstrate improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication) will increase from 71% in 2013 to 72% in 2018.
- New Jersey
- Infants and toddlers with disabilities will substantially increase their rate of growth and development of positive social emotional skills by the time they exit the program as measured by Indicator 3A, summary statement 1.
- New Mexico
- Increasing the number of children who make significant progress in their development in three functional developmental areas. / • ECO Outcome 3A. Positive social emotional skills (including positive social relationships) / • ECO Outcome 3B Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy) / • ECO Outcome 3C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
- New York
- The State-identified Measurable Result (SiMR) is to increase the percentage of families exiting the NYSEIP who report that NYSEIP helped them achieve the level of positive family outcomes defined in conjunction with stakeholders as representing the State standard.
- North Carolina
- State-identified Measurable Result (SiMR) is as follows: North Carolina will increase the percentage of children who demonstrate progress in positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) while receiving early intervention (EI) services.
- North Dakota
- There will be improved social emotional outcomes for children who come in below age expectations but make substantial gains (Indicator 3a, Summary Statement 1) while involved with 1 identified provider as a result of participation in early intervention.
- Northern Mariana Islands
- By June 2019, at least 66% of infants and toddlers who exit the early intervention program will have at least 80% of toileting, dressing, and feeding skills that are closer to their same age peers, as measured by the Child Self-Help Checklist.
- Ohio
- There is an increase in the percentage of infants and toddlers exiting Early Intervention who demonstrate improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.
- Oklahoma
- By FFY 2018, at least 49 percent of Oklahoma infants and toddlers with disabilities who receive at least six months or more of early intervention services at the Tulsa County site will demonstrate age-level functioning in the acquisition of skills and knowledge (including early language, literacy and communication) when they exit the SoonerStart program.
- Oregon
- Oregon’s SIMR is comprised of components from Indicator C3 (EI Child Outcomes) and B7 (ECSE Child Outcomes), to increase the percentage of infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities demonstrating growth in social emotional and approaches to learning skills.
- Pennsylvania
- Of those infants, toddlers, and preschool children who entered Early Intervention below age expectations, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they exit the program in: Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships).
- Puerto Rico
- Our initial selected measure was: “Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers who exit at age expectations in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, including early language/communication” (Outcome B, Summary Statement 2). It is important to notice that after submission of the SSIP phase 1, a change was proposed to the SIMR: keeping outcome B as our focus of improvement but using summary statement 1 as our measure of improvement. This measure was considered more significant to our efforts in improving outcome B. While SS1 includes all toddlers that show improvement in outcome B, SS2 includes only those that reach a level comparable to peers or that already were functioning at that level.
- Rhode Island
- SIMR: Rhode Island will increase the percentage of children showing greater than expected growth in positive social emotional skills (Summary Statement A for Outcome #1). Our SIMR focuses on a subpopulation of children whose families have participated in a family directed assessment utilizing the Routines-Based Interview (RBI: Robin McWilliam Ph.D.).
- South Carolina
- Not Reported
- South Dakota
- To substantially increase the rate of children’s growth in their acquisition and / use of knowledge and skills, including early language/communication, by the time they exit the program, as defined by the targets established for Indicator 3B, Summary Statement 1 in each of the years FFY 2014-2018.
- Tennessee
- The percent of infants and toddlers who demonstrate improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills and who function within age expectations by the time they exit or turn age three will increase.
- Texas
- (SiMR) of substantially increasing the rate of growth in infants and toddlers demonstrating positive social-emotional skills by 0.2 percent each year resulting in an overall increase of 0.8 percent by the final year (federal fiscal year 2018).
- Utah
- Substantially increase the rate of growth in positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) for culturally diverse infants and toddlers with disabilities in Utah by the time they exit Part C.
- Vermont
- Vermont families are able to help their infants and toddlers develop and learn functional social and/or emotional skills, and infants and toddlers substantially improve their social and/or emotional functional development. Therefore, while only reporting on Child Outcome 3A within the indicator measure, Vermont is monitoring data on both: Child Outcome 3A summary statement 1: Increasing the percentage of infants and toddlers who show substantial growth in positive social-emotional skills. and, Family Outcome 4C: CIS-EI has helped me to help my child develop and learn.
- Virgin Islands
- APR Indicator 3B: increasing the percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who demonstrate improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language and communication) by the time they exit the program. Specifically, the program focuses on increasing the number of children who are functioning near or at age expectations by the time they exit the program (Summary Statement 2 of APR Indicator 3B).
- Virginia
- To increase the statewide percentage of infants and toddlers with IFSPs (exiting early intervention at age level) who demonstrate improved use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
- Washington
- To increase the percentage of infants and toddlers with disabilities who will substantially increase their rate of growth in positive social-emotional skills, including social relationships, by the time they exit the early intervention program.
- West Virginia
- More infants and toddlers exiting WVBTT will make enough improvement in their social emotional skills to move closer to their same age peers.
- Wisconsin
- Infants and toddlers will demonstrate improved social and emotional functioning to enhance their learning and participation in activities within the community.
- Wyoming
- Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers in the pilot region who exit the Part C Program demonstrating age-appropriate positive social-emotional skills by 4.0 percentage points over a period of five years.
The contents of this document were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Z120002, and a cooperative agreement, #H326P120002, from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
ECTA Center Project Officer: Julia Martin Eile
DaSy Center Project Officers: Meredith Miceli and Richelle Davis