Interagency Coordinating Councils (ICCs)
Topic Editor: Stephanie Moss
stephanie@p2pga.orgPart C of the IDEA requires that each state establish a state Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) to support implementation of the Part C program. Membership of the ICC is specified in statute and regulations.
Federal Requirements
Members are appointed by the governor and must include at least 20% providers of early intervention services; at least 20% parents, including minority parents, of infants or toddlers with disabilities or children with disabilities age 12 or younger; and designees from multiple other early childhood programs.
Required and authorized activities of the ICC are listed in Subpart G of the IDEA regulations:
- 34 CFR §303.600 — Establishment of Council
- 34 CFR §303.601 — Composition
- 34 CFR §303.602 — Meetings
- 34 CFR §303.603 — Use of funds by the Council
- 34 CFR §303.604 — Functions of the Council—required duties
- 34 CFR §303.605 — Authorized activities by the Council
Individual and Cross-State TA Support to State ICCs
- Planning and hosting an annual in-person meeting of ICC chairs, staff, and parent representatives in conjunction with an OSEP-funded early childhood conference.
- Providing individual technical assistance to state ICCs in collaboration with their Part C state staff.
- Participating in a national collaborative workgroup to plan webinars and other learning opportunities for state ICCs across the country. Topics may include family engagement and leadership, orienting new ICC members, supporting local ICCs, collaboration strategies, new tools and resources, and emerging issues.
Key Resources
- State ICC Resources: Examples of state materials include member recruitment, orientation, development, marketing, strategic planning, and annual reports, among others.
- State ICC Chairs Contact List
- State ICC Staff Contact List
If you need to update your state's ICC contact(s), reach out to your ECTA State Contact.