Episode 5: Alia Goes Back to Preschool
Alia's mother Phally beautifully describes the challenges and joys of supporting her daughter with an IEP to participate fully in remote and in-class preschool. (12 min.)
Facilitator Guide
- Early Care and Education Environment Indicators and Elements of High-Quality Inclusion: E2: Family Partnerships, E6: Instructions
- DEC Recommended Practices: Family, Instruction
As you watch this episode, take note of how the family and school personnel work together to engage Alia and meet her individualized needs. Listen for the transition strategies that were implemented as Alia transitioned back into the classroom setting.
Reflection Questions
- Alia's mom stated, it "felt like there was a lot on the family's shoulders" at the beginning of remote instruction, and credits the guidance and support received from the teacher as instrumental in making it work. What strategies have you used to support families during remote instruction? What made those strategies successful?
- Alia's use of Assistive Technology (AT) allows her to participate in school and home activities. As you engage students who use select learning materials such as AT, how do you ensure their participation in instruction? How do you ensure learning materials are used to support them in meeting their individualized learning goals?
- The educators used multiple strategies and materials to help prepare the children to transition back to the classroom after an extended period of virtual learning. What are other transitions or changes that you sometimes have to prepare children and families for? What are some strategies, activities, or materials you have used to help prepare children and families for new experiences, transitions, or changes?
- What opportunities are there to continue to provide remote instruction, communication, and interaction when supporting children and families even when you are primarily providing instruction in person, in the classroom?
- Imagine being the parent of a preschooler with an IEP. What concerns might you have about them receiving supports and services in a remote learning environment? Now imagine being an educator, what would you do to address those concerns? What resources would you access?
Group Activity
Alia uses a communication device to participate in school and home activities. Assistive Technology (AT) is necessary for all of us to be able to function in life. Look around your workspace and identify something that helps you with communication. We all need technology, especially in remote settings, to help with communication. This experience can teach us empathy and understanding for people that always need AT to communicate.
With a partner, describe an AT device that you use and discuss how you use it to help you communicate, work, play or learn. What would your world be like without that support?
Additional Resources
Practice Improvement Tools
- Environment Checklists (see Assistive Technology Checklist, Child Physical Activity Checklist)
Other Resources
- Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework (Head Start ECLKC)