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- Topic: Environment
- Resource Type: Practice Guide
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Practitioner Practice Guide - Supporting Children's Everyday Learning
Everyday experiences are the building blocks for child learning. The more opportunities a child has to participate actively in everyday classroom activities, the more learning will occur. Children with disabilities sometimes need extra supports in order to participate in these activities. Assistive Technology (AT) may help. AT devices can be low-tech or high-tech. Low-tech support can be something as simple as wrapping textured tape around a pencil to make it easier for a child to grasp. High-tech support can include equipment and items such as an augmentative communication device, a tablet computer, or a power wheelchair.
Practitioner Practice Guide - Toddlers on the Move
Active toddlers are busy discovering how their bodies move and do interesting things - clapping hands, stomping feet, rolling a ball down a hill, pushing a riding toy, and more! Be sure there is plenty of space for these experiences both in and out of the classroom.