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Video 1.15 - Shared Reading, Part 1
Let's watch a video of a father and an older child both attending to a book about trains. Notice how this father is providing an opportunity to interact with his son. This activity is giving his son the opportunity to express himself both verbally and nonverbally, showing his interest. This father is paying attention to the child's interest and expanding on what his child says with new words and information.
Video 1.16 - Shared Reading, Part 2
In this activity the child is interacting with an adult. He is able to express his emotions through smiling and acting shy. He is able to communicate both verbally and nonverbally. This activity builds social and emotional competence because this father is paying attention and responding to his son, giving him the message that he matters!
Video 1.3 - Preschoolers
In this video, children explore water temperature with their teacher.
Video 1.9 - Block Play
In this video clip you will see a typical classroom activity. Notice how this teacher is paying attention to what the children are doing and their attempts to interact with the blocks. Make notes about how the teacher notices what the children want to do with the blocks.
Video 3.1 - Lunch Gadgets
In this video and see if you can identify the material adaptation that has been made so that the child can eat his lunch independently.
Video 3.2 - Individualized Picture Schedule
Here is a video example of a teacher using individualized instruction to support a child in the activity of transitioning. Watch how the teacher uses an individual picture schedule to support the child in the activity of transitioning from outdoor play to lining up with her peers. The teacher has created a personal schedule for the child using photos of her participating in the daily activities. This adaptation provides both visual and auditory support in helping the child prepare for and participate in transitioning from outside play time to lining up, to meal time indoors.
Video 3.3 - Adapting the Space
Watch the following video and think about ways to adapt or modify physical space so all children may participate fully in the environment. You may want to watch it a few times and make some notes.
Video 6.12 - Language Activity - writing name
In this video notice how the teacher provides the child enough time to complete the target behavior of the student writing his name. She also uses explicit feedback - she said "See how well you did it... every letter." It is clear to the child what the target skill was and that he did it correctly.