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- Module Section: Plan
- Topic: Interaction
- Tag: preschool
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Video 1.14 - Parent/Child Interaction
Let's watch a parent-child interaction with a mother who is responding positively to her child. Notice how this mother repeats what her child says and uses words to name ingredients and extend what her child says. She uses words to explain what her child is doing when she has measuring cups. She also explains the usefulness of the measuring cups. You can think of this as answering a question a child could have asked, but didn't. She promptly replies, showing that she is paying attention to her child's comments, but also waits after responding to let her child process what has been said.
Video 1.15 - Shared Reading, Part 1
Let's watch a video of a father and an older child both attending to a book about trains. Notice how this father is providing an opportunity to interact with his son. This activity is giving his son the opportunity to express himself both verbally and nonverbally, showing his interest. This father is paying attention to the child's interest and expanding on what his child says with new words and information.
Video 1.16 - Shared Reading, Part 2
In this activity the child is interacting with an adult. He is able to express his emotions through smiling and acting shy. He is able to communicate both verbally and nonverbally. This activity builds social and emotional competence because this father is paying attention and responding to his son, giving him the message that he matters!
Video 1.4 - Child, Mother, and Toy
In this video you will see a child sitting on his mother's lap playing with a toy. Pay attention to the behaviors he uses to interact with his mother during this activity.
Video 1.6 - Water Play
In this video clip you will see a child playing in a creek. Note the child's behaviors that can be observed during this interaction. Make some notes about what you see the child doing to interact and what abilities you observe.
Video 1.7 - Water and Dirt Play
In this video clip you will see a child engaging in water play. Pay attention to the behaviors to show what holds his interest.
Video 1.8 - Ball Pool
In this video clip you will see a child playing in a pool of balls. Take notes about the child's behaviors that show his interests.
Video 1.9 - Block Play
In this video clip you will see a typical classroom activity. Notice how this teacher is paying attention to what the children are doing and their attempts to interact with the blocks. Make notes about how the teacher notices what the children want to do with the blocks.