Voices from the Field: Irlanda Jimenez
Irlanda Jimenez talks about the various ways practitioners can use visual supports to facilitate learning among young children who are dual language learners. Irlanda empathizes the importance of providing concrete examples of things the child might have experience with—as well as creating that experience, if necessary--in order to facilitate the child's participation in a given activity. This clip is borrowed with permission from The IRIS Center. (2015). Dual Language Learners with Disabilities: Supporting Young Children in the Classroom. Retrieved from https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/dll/
Irlanda Jimenez discusses using visual supports for young DLLs in the classroom [transcript]
About the Speaker
Irlanda is an Early Childhood and Elementary Bilingual Program Coordinator with the Urbana Early Childhood School in Urbana, Illinois. She has the expertise and experience working with dual language learners and has been featured as an expert voice in several audio clips in an IRIS module on dual language learners.