Voices from the Field: Gabriella Reyes
Gabriella shares her experience choosing between a preschool special education classroom and an
inclusive classroom for Diego, her son with autism.
Audio responses are in Spanish, transcript has English Translation
Q1: With Diego you had a choice to make. The school system said he could be in a special classroom with just a few children and a teacher or he could go into to a larger classroom of typically developing children that was inclusive. How did you decide that?[transcript]
Q2: Even though it was a hard decision, do you feel that you made the right decision? [transcript]
About the Speaker
Gabriella is a mother of five children, including Diego who is a sweet, beautiful four-year old boy with autism. The family has been receiving services from Early Head Start and Head Start since Diego's older sister Ximena began in the program. Diego started receiving home-based services when he was one year old and a home visitor would come to the house once a week. When he was two, he moved into a center based Early Head Start program and then moved on to Head Start. Diego receives speech and occupational therapy on a weekly basis.