Tools on Inclusion
These resources from the ECTA Center are meant to assist programs and teams in understanding the IDEA Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) requirements and determining appropriate placements.
- Team Decisions for Preschool Special Education Services: Guiding Questions (2014)
- Determining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Placements for Preschool Children with Disabilities: Reference Points and Discussion Prompts (2014)
Key Preschool Principles and Practices
A-convened workgroup of researchers, higher education faculty, state policy makers, regional and local program administrators, family representatives, service providers, and technical assistance providers engaged in a consensus process to articulate principles for the IEP Process that support family participation, inclusive practices and positive outcomes for preschool children with disabilities. They also developed a companion document on practices:
- Key Principles Underlying the IEP Process: Supporting Family Participation, Inclusive Practices and Positive Outcomes for Preschool Children with Disabilities (2012)
- Key Practices Underlying the IEP Process: Supporting Family Participation, Inclusive Practices, and Positive Outcomes for Preschool Children with Disabilities (2012)
Additionally, the Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals Training Package (2012) incorporates these two resources.
Reporting Tools
This IDC educational environments resource is comprised of a suite of tools, with a technical guide updated with 2017–2018 reporting clarifications for use in reporting Part B Educational Environments data for children ages 3–5 with disabilities as required for the OSEP Child Count and SPP/APR Indicator 6. States can use the tools as "stand-alone" materials or as a set.
- Educational Environments Ages 3-5 B6 Data Reporting Tools 2017–18 Clarifications contains a decision tree, the SPP/APR Part B Indicator 6 Measurement Table and 2017–2018 reporting clarifications.
- The IDC B6 Data Reporting Tools contain an interactive decision tree, glossary, and information on reporting categories with scenarios for educational environments for children ages 3–5.
- Educational Environments 3–5 Data Template: Calculating Local Data Worksheet is a template for calculating local data so that SEAs and LEAs can see in real-time the percentages of their children ages 3–5 attending and receiving services in specific educational environments.