Part C Finance (2014)
The ITCA Fiscal Initiative, in partnership with the ECTA Center and the RRCP hosted four webinars on Part C Finance in 2014. Part C Coordinators attending these events were encouraged to listen with a team so that they are building fiscal knowledge and capacity within their state. The development of the team can be the first step in becoming part of the ongoing intensive TA that will be supported through OSEP-funded TA opportunities.
- Part C Fiscal Overview
- Public Insurance
- Utilizing Private Insurance in Supporting Part C Services
- The Affordable Care Act and Impact on Part C
The IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA) Fiscal Technical Assistance Initiative
The purpose of the ITCA Fiscal TA initiative is to assist state Part C coordinators and staff in the development and maintenance of high quality early intervention resources and supports for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families by increasing their financial knowledge and skills to support the state Part C early intervention system. The initiative emerged from the ITCA Board's long-standing focus on states' need for strategic support in the development of fiscal resources to support the intent of Congress related to an interagency system of funding. As specified in regulations, Part C funds are intended to "Facilitate the coordination of payment for early intervention services from Federal, State, local, and private sources (including public and private insurance coverage) [§303.1(b)]". This charge has been a challenge over the last number of years as federal resources have continued to shrink and states have been challenged to meet the increasing demand for resources.
Scope of Work
The ITCA Fiscal Initiative addresses states’ needs by establishing two cohorts of participants, offering different supports to enhance Part C system fiscal knowledge and skills, with an on-going commitment to the effort beyond the first year.
- Cohort One: Intermediate Level: A group of 8-10 state teams will participate in two, two-day learning academies designed to build skills, analysis, expertise, knowledge and relationships for system sustainability over time.
- Cohort Two: Beginner/Novice Level: A series of 4 webinars over several months will be available to all states. The webinars will share information to support states in developing broader knowledge, capacity for analysis, within-state relationships, and articulating goals.
The Fiscal Initiative involves collaboration with national, regional, and state partners as members of a planning team:
- Maureen Greer, Executive Director, ITCA
- Ron Benham, Part C Coordinator, MA and Co-Chair of the ITCA Finance Committee
- Kim Wedel, Part C Coordinator, TX and Co-Chair of the ITCA Finance Committee
- Anne Karasek, Education Program Specialist, OSEP (MSIP)
- Janice Kane, Consultant, South East Regional Resource Center (SERRC)
- Anne Lucas, Program Specialist, Western Regional Resource Center (WRRC) and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)
- Grace Kelley, Program Specialist, South East Regional Resource Center (SERRC)
- Katy McCullough – Program Specialist, Mid-South Regional Resource Center (MSRRC) and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)
Session 1: Part C Fiscal Overview
January 14, 2014
- Streaming Presentation (45 minutes)
- Presenter: Kim Wedel, past president of ITCA and Texas Part C Coordinator
Session Resources
- Presentation File
- Part 303 Part C Finance Regulations
- Part C Statutory Provisions Related to Finance
Session 2: Public Insurance
March 5, 2014
- Streaming Presentation (44 minutes)
- Presenter: Kim Wedel, past president of ITCA and Texas Part C Coordinator
Session Resources
- Public Insurance
- Resources from
- Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Limits for Children at Application, Effective January 1, 2014 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
- Webinar: Accessing EPSDT for Part C Services: Achieving a Better Fit Between the EI Philosophy and Allowable Medicaid Covered Services (NECTAC)
Session 3: Utilizing Private Insurance in Supporting Part C Services
June 11, 2014
- Streaming Presentation (28 minutes)
- Presenter: Ron Benham, Massachusetts Part C Coordinator
Session Resources
- Utilizing Private Insurance in Supporting Part C Services
- State Policies on the Use of Private Insurance for Early Intervention Services
- For Kids’ Sake: State-Level Trends in Children's Health Insurance (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, April 2014)
Session 4: The Affordable Care Act and Impact on Part C
Session Overview
August 13, 2014
- Streaming Presentation (26 minutes)
- Presenter: Maureen Greer, Executive Director, ITCA
Session Resources
- The Affordable Care Act and Impact on Part C
- Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Reform