Ages and Stages Questionnaires


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Table of Contents

Ages and Stages Questionnaires

Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)

What are the ASQ?

Examples from ASQ--8 Months

Examples from ASQ--4 years.

Example from ASQ--4 years


Features of the Questionnaire

Features of the Questionnaire

Features of the Questionnaire

Features of the Questionnaire

Scoring the ASQ

Follow-up/Referral Criteria

Engaging families in the assessment of their child

Factors affecting accuracy of parental report

Discrepancies between parent and professional report

Research on parent report of child developmental level

Screening tools should have:

ASQ Validity

ASQ Reliability

Cultural Adaptability of the ASQ

Part II: Implementation

Implementation Issues

Format selection

State-wide ASQ Child-Find Systems

State-wide ASQ Child-Find Systems

Program Management

Program Management Evaluation

Cost Analysis

Child-Find Using ASQ

Author: Jane Squires