Agenda Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference 2013
Sunday, September 15
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Welcome and Opening Plenary
State of the Nation: Data Systems and Outcomes Measurement
- Ruth Ryder (OSEP );
- Meredith Miceli (OSEP );
- Lynne Kahn (ECTA, DaSy, ECO);
- Kathy Hebbeler (DaSy, ECO);
- Donna Spiker (DaSy, ECO)
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Data Analysis to Guide Improvement of Child Outcomes
- Cornelia Taylor (DaSy, ECO);
- Lynne Kahn (ECTA, DaSy, ECO);
- Taletha Derrington (DaSy)
This workshop will provide hypothetical data for participants to review and discuss. The data exercise will include examples of analyses that lead to implications for improving data quality and guide decisions about strategies for program improvement.
- Data Analysis to Guide Improvement of Child Outcomes
- Data Workshop Activity 1: Reviewing Summary Statement Data from Local Programs
- Data Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 1
Changing Practices, Changing Outcomes: Building State Capacity
- Lise Fox (ECTA)
ECTA will be providing intensive technical assistance to selected states to build the capacity of professionals and programs to implement recommended practices with fidelity. This session will describe the intensive TA process that supports states in establishing a cross-sector state team for implementation, establishing high fidelity demonstrations, and providing professional development that includes practice-based coaching.
Essentials of Data Operations: Getting Data into Your Data System (so you can use it)
- Baron Rodriguez (DaSy, SLDS, PTAC);
- Jim Campbell (DaSy, CEDS);
- Missy Cochenour (DaSy, SLDS, CEDS)
This session is primarily about the operations of a data system, including defining data elements, data collection, linkages, and analysis. In other words, how to successfully get data into your data system. Other areas of focus will include the advantages of interoperability, privacy and confidentiality considerations, and how all this works with early childhood programs and services.
In Search of the Perfect Data System
- Christy Scott (CO Part C Data Manager);
- Mike Hinricher (TN Part C Data Manager);
- Bruce Bull (DaSy)
You're a data manager. You know the strengths and challenges within your child-level data system: duplicate records, validation issues, existing business rules that don't always function as expected, end user knowledge gaps, longitudinal data inconsistencies, agency changes, inaccurate reports, etc. Not a problem in your state? Great; find another session-or better come share your secrets! This facilitated session will probe, articulate, discuss and seek cross state audience solutions to data system challenges.
New! The Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Competency Check
- Naomi Younggren (DoD EDIS Program);
- Amy Nicholas (DaSy);
- Siobhan Colgan (DaSy, ECO);
- Kathi Gillaspy (DaSy, ECO, ECTA)
This session will highlight the ECO Center's new COS Competency Check product. This resource offers a structured way to ensure staff completing the COS process have the basic knowledge and skills needed. Presenters will demonstrate the resources developed and share how the information may be accessed once it is complete. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback on the use of the materials and how to support states' use of the resources.
Strategic Planning for Long-Term Implementation of the Routines-Based Early Intervention Model
- Jan Thelen (NE 619 Coordinator);
- Robin McWilliam (Siskin Center for Child and Family Research);
- Cindy Brown (ME Part C & 619 Coordinator);
- Wendy Studt (MT Part C Coordinator)
Improving services cannot happen overnight. Some states are following the stages defined in implementation science: exploration, installation, initial implementation, full implementation. This session discusses how a multi-component model is implemented in stages, by component. The Routines-Based Early Intervention model includes practices for intake, needs assessment, IFSP outcome writing, organizing services, home visits, and consultation to child care. Key players from Maine, Montana, and Nebraska, along with the "purveyor" of this model will illustrate this process.
The DaSy Chain: Early Learning Standards Data Linkages
- Verna Thompson (DE 619 Coordinator);
- Mary Anketell (PA EI TA);
- Jim Lesko (ELCTA);
- Judy Swett (ECTA, PACER);
- Grace Kelley (SERRC);
- Mary Peters (DaSy, ECTA);
- Cindy Ramagos (LA 619 Coordinator)
Participants will be involved in a moderated conversation featuring national, state, and family perspectives, with an emphasis on the process states have used in cross-walking federal reporting requirements across early childhood agencies (e.g., Head Start reporting framework, child care, and OSEP three child outcomes). Come to share what you are doing, explore what is needed, and discover how to better connect early learning standards with other work in your state.
Why CEDS for Part C and 619: The Benefits of Using Common Education Data Standards
- Meredith Miceli (OSEP );
- Lisa Backer (MN ECSE Supervisor, C Data Manager);
- Suzanne Raber (DaSy)
How can CEDS support state agencies responsible for early intervention and preschool special education programs and their data? This session will help participants understand the benefits of using common data elements and definitions in their early childhood data systems. Tools developed by the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) initiative will be demonstrated to illustrate the power of shared data dictionaries, shared evaluation and research questions, and shared analytic strategies to answer important program and policy questions.
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 2
Essentials of Data-Based Action: Getting Data Out of Your Data System (so you can use it)
- Missy Cochenour (DaSy, SLDS, CEDS);
- Jeff Sellers (DaSy, SLDS)
This session will describe the importance of using data to inform decision-making. Principles of data use will be broken out into three main categories: planning for who the users are, creating the tools and reports for those users, and how to support the state's long-term data use needs.
Incorporating IDEA Birth-Five in QRIS Systems: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned
- Shelley deFosset (ELCTA);
- Verna Thompson (DE 619 Coordinator);
- Andy Gomm (NM Part C Coordinator)
This session will provide background information about TQRIS and an overview of key points for consideration when developing quality indicators and strategies for Part B 619 and Part C services, including home visiting programs in state QRIS systems. Additionally, the session will feature panelists from Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge states who are working on different approaches for integrating and measuring these standards.
- Delaware IDEA Part B Section 619
- Including IDEA Services and Programs into State TQRIS Systems
- New Mexico IDEA Part C - TQRIS Handout
Innovations in Training and Technical Assistance for the Child Outcomes Measurement Process
- Grace Kelley (SERRC);
- Lisa Wasacz (MI 619 Coordinator);
- Pam Miller (MD Quality Assurance Specialist);
- Shannon Dunstan (ID 619 Coordinator);
- Megan Vinh (WRRC);
- Kathy Gillaspy (DaSy, ECO, ECTA)
This session will explore new and innovative methods for training and TA on child and family outcomes and related topics. Presenters will demonstrate new products and discuss with participants how, why, and when to use them for maximum effect. Interactive activities will help participants experience the products' intended use. Information on how training on child and family outcomes fits with the bigger professional development system in their states will be explored.
- Innovations in Training and Technical Assistance for the Child Outcomes Measurement Process
- MI Sample ISD Share Data
- MI Sample Report Data
Key Fiscal Tools and Indicators to Include in Early Childhood Data Collections
- Ron Benham (MA Part C Coordinator);
- Maureen Greer (ITCA, DaSy, Emerald Consulting);
- Jamie Kilpatrick (DaSy, Public Consulting Group)
This session will provide an overview on the types of finance data that states should be collecting for short-term planning and long-term projections as well as alternatives for collecting such finance data. The presenters will detail the importance of creating linkages between finance data to other service planning and service delivery data in order to answer increasingly more detailed accountability questions.
Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted: A Continuing Conversation on Collecting and Using Indicator B6 Educational Environments Data
- Debbie Cate (ECTA, NCELN);
- Kimberly Mitchell (OSEP );
- Mary Peters (DaSy, ECTA)
To make data-informed decisions we need data sources that are individually meaningful, useful for mandated reporting, and coordinated with other data sources. This session will focus on Educational Environments data for preschool aged children and Indicator B6 APR reporting. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss data collection methods, related strengths, challenges, and strategies for how these data can be used to improve service delivery to children and families.
Planful Changes: Using Self-Assessments to Improve Child and Family Outcome Measurement Systems
- Lauren Barton (DaSy, ECO);
- Melissa Raspa (ECO)
Developed by the ECO Center and several partner states, two self-assessments provide frameworks for states to examine and improve their systems for measuring child outcomes and family outcomes and experiences. The session will describe the self-assessments and how states are using them for planning and systems improvement. The session is targeted to those who are not familiar with the frameworks, but all are welcome to learn about the content and uses of these resources.
- Planful Changes: Small Group Activity
- Planful Changes: Using Self-Assessments to Improve Child and Family Outcome Measurement Systems
Monday, September 16
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Early Bird Discussion Sessions
BDI Users Group: Supporting Data Use
- BDI Users Group (ECO)
The BDI Users Group will meet to continue discussions about supporting the use of BDI data for program planning. Topics will include: supporting programs in accessing their BDI data, linking assessment data to other child and family data, and analysis of data for program improvement. Anyone who is interested in the topic is welcome.
New Data Managers: Informal Discussion with OSEP
- Meredith Miceli (OSEP );
- Richelle Davis (OSEP );
- Matthew Clark (OSEP )
This session will be an informal opportunity for new IDEA Part B and Part C data managers to talk with OSEP RTP Data Team staff about their roles and responsibilities related to submitting the IDEA Section 618 data, and learn about EDFacts tools and resources.
New! The Interactive Guide to Implementing an Integrated Child & Family Outcomes and IFSP/IEP Process
- Megan Vinh (WRRC);
- Naomi Younggren (DoD EDIS Program);
- Kathi Gillaspy (DaSy, ECO, ECTA)
This session will highlight the ECO Center's new Interactive Guide to Implementing an Integrated Child & Family Outcomes and IFSP/IEP Process. This resource uses the stages of implementation and offers a structured path towards implementing an integrated outcomes and IFSP/IEP process. Presenters will demonstrate the resources developed and share how the information may be accessed.
Privacy and Confidentiality:TA Resources
- Jennifer Tschantz (DaSy);
- Baron Rodriguez (DaSy, SLDS, PTAC)
This session will provide an overview of relevant resources for Privacy and Confidentiality for Part C and 619 programs as they integrate data systems.
Quality Practices in Preschool ECSE, Statewide
- Robin McWilliam (Siskin Center for Child and Family Research)
Providing quality services to preschoolers on IEPs across a state is extremely difficult because of variation among districts, among other reasons. Participants at this round table will discuss strategies for using implementation science to tackle this challenge. Robin McWilliam will facilitate a discussion about some evidence-based preschool practices that have been implemented with fidelity but also where implementation at scale has failed. We hope this round-table discussion generates some new attempts at improving quality, statewide.
Stakeholder Engagement: Dancing with the Data System Stars!
- Amy Nicholas (DaSy);
- Jeff Sellers (DaSy, SLDS)
Are you a stakeholder for a coordinated data system initiative in your state, or do you want to be? Are you, as a data stakeholder, learning to dance with the "stars?" Let's talk about the role of Part C and 619 in the development of state-level coordinated data systems (e.g., Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems and State Longitudinal Data Systems). Facilitated discussion will focus on participants' experiences in joining or being members of stakeholder groups.
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Making Your Data Life Easier: Using Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Tools
- Missy Cochenour (DaSy, SLDS, CEDS);
- Haidee Bernstein (DaSy)
This workshop will combine general CEDS information with opportunities for hands-on learning. (Please bring your laptop). The workshop will start with an overview that will ensure that participants are knowledgeable in CEDS and how it can help early learning. It will be followed by demonstrations and hands-on learning opportunities on two useful tools: Align and Connect. Presenters and resource people will circulate and assist users during the workshop.
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 3
Creating a Culture of Data: Focus on People
- Elizabeth Dabney (Data Quality Campaign);
- Debbie Cate (ECTA, NCELN);
- Joy Markowitz (DaSy)
This session will provide an overview of the Data Quality Campaign's 2012 document, "Focus on People to Change Data Culture," that presents national trends in states' progress on building and using state longitudinal data systems to improve outcomes for children and families. There will be a facilitated discussion about how states can engage early childhood providers and parents in valuing and using high quality data.
Expanding the National Tool Box for Measuring Part C Participation Rates: Feasibility and Utility of the Birth Cohort Methodology
- Donna Noyes (ITCA, NY Part C Coordinator);
- Maureen Greer (ITCA, Emerald Consulting, DaSy);
- Lynne MacLeod (ITCA, UT Part C Data Manager)
Part C single-day and cumulative child counts, as specified in Section 618 of the IDEA, do not provide a complete picture of the number of children birth through age two who are referred to, evaluated for, and receive early intervention services. The Infant and Toddler Coordinators (ITCA) Data Committee will present progress in its examination of the viability of using a birth cohort methodology as another measure of Part C participation and solicit feedback from attendees.
Identifying Meaningful Differences between State and Local Summary Statement Values
- Cornelia Taylor (DaSy, ECO);
- Mary Beth LaSalle (NH TA Consultant);
- Ruth Littlefield (NH 619 Coordinator);
- Iandia Morgan (NV Part C);
- Marcia Boswell-Carney (KS Program Analyst)
States compute two summary statements for their child outcomes data. The use of a confidence interval around these summary statements allows the state to rule out differences between the program and the state that are not statistically significant. In this session a tool for computing these confidence intervals will be presented. Three states will describe their use of confidence intervals for comparing state and local summary statement data.
More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
- Taletha Derrington (DaSy);
- Bruce Sheppard (Early Intervention /ECSE Specialist);
- Ardith Ferguson (CO Part C Coordinator);
- Christy Scott;
- Kenneth Smith
Ten years ago states were federally mandated to develop referral policies for maltreated children. Although the mandate focuses on referral, the intent was to improve these children's outcomes. This interactive session will present implementation issues and their implications for state IDEA data systems. Panelists from three states will describe their states' linkages and discuss how implementation issues have been addressed and how linkages have been (or could be) used to improve child outcomes.
- More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
- AK - More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
- CO - More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
- OR - More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
Spotlight on States: Using the High-Quality, Functional Outcome and Goal Training Package
- Sherry Franklin (NC Part C Coordinator);
- Phoebe Rinkel (KS Inservice Training System);
- Lynn Johnson (CT Part C Coordinator);
- Anne Lucas (ECTA, WRRC)
Do you want to improve your providers'/teachers' skills in developing high quality, functional IFSP outcomes or IEP goals? Are you interested in integrating child outcome measurement with developing high quality function IFSP outcomes or IEP goals? Find out how several states have used and adapted a training package developed by NECTAC, ECO, and WRRC to assist them in meeting these objectives.
The State of State Part C and 619 Data Systems: Current Status, Future Directions
- Pam Roush (ITCA, WV Part C Coordinator);
- Carlise King (ECDC);
- Lisa Balivet (ITCA, AK Part C Data Manager);
- Donna Spiker (DaSy, ECO)
This session will provide an overview of where states are in the development of Part C and Part B 619 data systems. Presenters from ITCA, DaSy, and ECDC will share selected findings from three recent national surveys of states and jurisdictions about data. Findings will include how states have structured and utilize their data systems, what linkages can be made with other early childhood programs, and what improvements states may need to have a comprehensive data
- ECDC Survey Overview
- IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems: More Findings from the DaSy Center Needs Assessment
- The Status of Part C Data Systems
Update on Revisions to the DEC Recommended Practices
- Betsy Ayankoya (ECTA, SERRC);
- Kathleen Hebbeler (DaSy, ECO, ECTA);
- Judy Swett (ECTA, PACER);
- Dale Epstein (ECTA)
The Division for Early Childhood has formed a Commission to oversee the revision of the DEC Recommended Practices. Draft practices have been developed for practitioners, local program leaders, and state leaders. Members of the Commission will provide an update on the revision process, solicit input on the new recommended practices, and plan for future use of the practices.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 4
Developing a Framework to Build High Quality Part C and Section 619 Systems
- Anne Lucas (ECTA, WRRC);
- Christina Kasprzak (ECTA, ECO, DaSy);
- Katy McCullough (ECTA, MSRRC)
Does my state have a high quality system? How would I know? And what steps would we take to improve the system? Join this session to learn about the system framework the ECTA Center is developing to support states in analyzing the capacity of their current Part C and Section 619 systems and building overall quality systems that support implementation of effective practices and ultimately child and family outcomes.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road from Part C to Part B 619: Road Blocks and Remedies for Linking and Using Data
- Mary Peters (DaSy, ECTA);
- Debbie Cate (ECTA, NCELN)
Sharing data between programs, systems and agencies can be challenging! This session will provide an update of states' Indicator C8 and B12 transition data for Part C and Part B619, including data collection methods, mechanisms and sharing processes. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss data system strengths and challenges, as children follow the yellow brick transition road.
Perspectives from Implementation Science: Implications, Tools and Resources for Systems Change and Improving Services
- Joicey Hurth (ECTA, NERRC);
- Kathy Whaley (ECTA);
- Oscar Fleming (NIRN)
This session will explore how the science and practice of implementation can strengthen system capacity for changes in infrastructure and program practices. Investing in building the supports for adopting any evidence-based practice will also lead to improved capacity for change. An overview of the existing national resources will be shared. Participants will discuss how their change initiatives may be strengthened by lessons learned from implementation science and practice.
Validity of the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process: Updates from the ENHANCE Project
- Lauren Barton (DaSy, ECO);
- Cornelia Taylor (DaSy, ECO);
- Donna Spiker (DaSy, ECO)
Find out the latest about the validity and reliability of ratings using the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process from the ENHANCE project. Examine preliminary findings from the child assessments study and consider implications for relationships between COS ratings and scores on other assessments. Updates from other ENHANCE studies, lessons learned from work with local programs, and ideas about activities individual states can undertake to examine the validity and reliability of COS data also will be discussed.
- ENHANCE Website
- Validity of the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process: Updates from the ENHANCE Project
What Did You Say? Communication with Families about Child and Family Outcomes
- Siobhan Colgan (ECO, DaSy);
- Barb Jackson (ECO);
- Darla Gundler (Early Intervention Family Alliance - EIFA)
This session offers participants an opportunity to learn about resources for communicating with families through multiple stages of their participation in Part C and 619 programs. Several resources will be spotlighted, including a new ECO webpage and samples of family-produced digital stories. Discussion will center on resources needed to improve family participation in outcomes measurement, such as sharing child assessment and program data back with families, gathering meaningful family input, and more.
What Do IDEA and FERPA Tell Us About Early Childhood Data Sharing?
- Jessica Spataro (OSERS/ US ED);
- Kala Surprenant (OGC/ US ED);
- Dale King/ Frank Miller (Family Policy Compliance Office/ U.S. ED);
- Baron Rodriguez (DaSy, SLDS, PTAC);
- Jennifer Tschantz (DaSy)
This session is designed to help States focus on new developments in the IDEA Part C and FERPA requirements regarding data sharing and confidentiality. The session will include highlights of the 2011 IDEA Part C regulations, the 2012 FERPA regulation on audit/evaluation exception, the 2013 Uninterrupted Scholars Act, and other developments. There will be time for discussion and questions from participants.
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Family and Child Outcomes Data: Drill-Down and Linkages
- Siobhan Colgan (DaSy, ECO);
- Melissa Raspa (ECO);
- Cornelia Taylor (DaSy, ECO)
Participants will review hypothetical state family outcomes data. We begin the journey with indicators of data quality including outliers and low response rates. Next we roll up our sleeves up and dig into the patterns in the family outcomes data, including looking at outcomes by region, race/ethnicity, and home language. Finally, we'll link data to examine connections between family outcomes and child outcomes, and discuss implications of analyses for developing targeted data-based improvement activities.
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 5
Data Governance: The Foundation for an Effective Early Childhood Data System
- Jeff Sellers (DaSy, SLDS);
- Missy Cochenour (DaSy, SLDS, CEDS)
As states are moving toward the development of Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems, there is an increased need for data governance, but from a different approach. Instead of data governance administered within a single state agency to define when data are collected, how they are collected and how they are edited and validated, the focus shifts to the business rules around integrating the data from multiple agencies into a seamless early childhood model.
The Early Childhood Workforce Data Landscape
- Mary Beth Bruder (ECPC , DaSy);
- Denise Mauzy (DaSy, ELCTA);
- Carlise King (ECDC)
This session will provide information about the importance of comprehensive workforce data collection and an overview of the primary sources of data at the state and regional level, including Part C, Section B 619, early childhood and trainer workforce registries, state teacher certification systems, and others. Additionally, presenters will discuss how data standards (state and national) and tools (e.g., CEDS, INQUIRE) can be used to help facilitate conversations about data linkages and reporting.
- Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change
- The Early Childhood Workforce Data Landscape
The K-12 Reform Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities for Early Childhood Education
- Amanda Szekely (NGA);
- Albert Wat (NGA);
- Donna Spiker (DaSy, ECO)
Recent state education reforms (e.g., Common Core, teacher evaluation, assessments) can challenge research-based early learning practices and policies. They also represent opportunities for early childhood and K-12 stakeholders to collaborate to improve policies and programs for young children from birth-3rd grade. National Governors Association staff will share how they are doing this with states, focusing on learning standards, educator effectiveness, and child assessments. Participants will discuss how special education perspectives can inform this work.
- Aligning Early Education & K12 Reforms
- The K-12 Reform Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities for Early Childhood Education
Use of Data for Monitoring Part C and B 619
- Krista Scott (DC 619 Coordinator);
- Bruce Bull (DaSy);
- Debbie Cate (ECTA, NCELN)
How do we update and align monitoring processes to be data-driven, maintain general supervision responsibilities, monitor for compliance AND results, support local and state level improvement/TA efforts, balance the load against existing resources (AND maintain sanity)? Come ready to study, share, scrutinize, strategize, and select some solutions to use in your state. This will be a facilitated discussion format.
What's Up with ICD-10? Identifying the Impact on Your Program
- Kim Wedel (TX Part C Coordinator);
- Robin Nelson (DaSy);
- Maureen Greer (ITCA, DaSy, Emerald Consulting)
What are the impacts of ICD-10 on early intervention and 619 programs, particularly with regard to eligibility and billing? What is the impact of the conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10 on state data systems and on data analysis and reporting? Presenters will discuss the anticipated changes, will use examples to highlight potential impacts, and will include a facilitated discussion to identify resources to assist programs to manage the necessary changes.
Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Tools and Strategies for Using Child Outcomes Data for Program Improvement
- Ruth Chvojicek (WI Statewide Child Outcomes Coordinator);
- Lisa Bartolone (WI School District Psychologist);
- Christina Kasprzak (ECTA, ECO, DaSy);
- Lauren Barton (DaSy, ECO)
How can programs use outcomes data to change systems and practices? Come learn about ECO-developed tools designed to help state and local programs analyze, interpret, and use outcomes data. Hear about how Wisconsin TA has focused on using their child outcomes data to help local programs improve the quality of their data and change practices.
- 1. Where the Rubber Hits the Road
- 2. Pattern Checking Table
- 3. Analyzing Child Outcomes Data for Program Improvement: A Guidance Table
- ABC School District Sample District Report
- Child Outcomes Reference Sheet
- Local Contributing Factors Tool (C3/B7)
- Relationship of Quality Practices to Child and Family Outcomes
- Wisconsin CESA Data Review Presentatio
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Round 6
Data Visualization: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Numbers
- Nick Ortiz (CO Results Matter);
- Alice Ridgway (CT Part C Data and Accountability Manager);
- Larry Edelman (University of Colorado School of Medicine);
- Robin Nelson (DaSy)
This lively session will explore the "why's, what's and how's" of visualizing data. We will look at different approaches that some states have used to display data in innovative and visually interesting ways as a means to better understand and communicate data. An accompanying resource handout will share no-cost, low-cost, and higher-end resources for data visualization. We will also explore interest in establishing a community of practice around data visualization.
How Can Partnerships with Higher Education Help Your State Agency Use Early Childhood Data for Decision-Making?
- Rob Fischer ( Ohio Education Research Center)
States face many challenges in using existing data to inform action, but the potential pay-off is great. Successful collaborations in Ohio illustrate the value of partnering with universities in bringing together state and local data to answer key policy questions and inform programming. Drawing on experience with early childhood data in Cleveland, the session will lay out the opportunities and challenges for states in pushing for more effective use of integrated data on young children.
Incorporating EC Data into Your Longitudinal Data System: Why Does It Matter to Part C and 619?
- Tiffany Smith (KS 619 Coordinator);
- Lori McReynolds (KS EC Data Coordinator);
- Brian Morrison (MD Part C Coordinator);
- Phil Koshkin (MD ECIDS);
- Missy Cochenour (DaSy, SLDS, CEDS);
- Amy Nicholas (DaSy)
The objective of this session is to provide basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS. Panelists will discuss how states are working to incorporate EC data into the SLDS with state and national examples and the unique challenges and benefits to ECIDS of Part C and B involvement. Discussion will focus on why it matters to specific programs like, Part C and 619.
Promising Practices for Incorporating IDEA Birth-Five Programs in State Professional Development Systems
- Lisa Backer (MN ECSE Supervisor, Part C Data Manager);
- Nancy Vorobey (MD 619 Coordinator);
- Denise Mauzy (DaSy, ELCTA)
This session will provide information about a variety of approaches used by Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grantees to integrate IDEA programs in their professional development systems development. State presenters will share successes, lessons learned, and discuss ongoing challenges.
The Role of Data in Improvement Planning
- Penny Geiger (FL Part C Coordinator);
- Mark Sharp (OK Part C Coordinator);
- Catherine Goodwin (TN Part C Monitoring Coordinator);
- Anne Lucas (ECTA, WRRC);
- Bruce Bull (DaSy)
States are beginning to think about how they might address improvement planning as part of Results-Driven Accountability. IDEA Data Managers will play a key role in this process. Gathering, linking, disaggregating, and analyzing data; validating child, family, and student outcomes, and developing improvement activities are challenging even with a fully functional IDEA data system. Join us to listen, discuss, and suggest ideas on using data for the improvement planning process.
The Transformative Power of Authentic Assessment: Reflections on the Last 10 Years
- Jan Thelen (NE 619 Coordinator);
- Nan Vendegna (CO Results Matter);
- Meredith Cathcart (CA 619 Coordinator);
- Kathleen Hebbeler (DaSy, ECO)
State and national policy leaders will share their reflections on how large early childhood systems have built child outcomes measurement on the principles of authentic assessment. Key factors in the evolution of this practice, lessons learned and current dynamics influencing continued development will be explored. Members of the audience will be encouraged to share their experiences, and time for questions and answers will be provided.
Tuesday, September 17
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Roundtable Discussions
Topical Round Table Discussions
- Multiple TA Staff (CEDS,DaSy, SLDS, ECO, ECTA)
An early intervention/preschool special education perspective needs to be included in the next version of CEDS standardized data elements and policy questions. Come give your input at roundtable discussions (i.e., IFSPs, assessment, eligibility, referrals, services and transitions). Are there additional elements not in CEDS which might be required to support Part C and Part B 619 in their data analyses and reporting? We want to know!
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Closing Plenary
Investing in High Quality Early Learning Opportunities for ALL Children
- Libby Doggett (Office of Early Learning, U.S. Department of Education);
- Michael Yudin (OSEP );
- Christina Kasprzak (ECTA, DaSy, ECO)
Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Michael Yudin will discuss OSEP's early childhood investments and the integration of IDEA Part C/619 throughout the Administration's vision to strengthen state efforts to raise the bar across early learning programs and to close the school readiness gap for all young children with disabilities.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Early Learning, Libby Doggett will discuss the President's proposed Preschool for All, a new Early Head Start-child care initiative, and significant increases in funding for home visiting.
Co-Director of the ECTA Center and staff on the ECO Center, Christina Kasprzak will present the national picture of Part C and Section 619 programs' 2011-12 child and family outcomes data and discuss trends over the last several years related to the quality of state data and the progress children are making while in early intervention and preschool special education.
All presenters will discuss the important role data and accountability will play in maintaining and growing these important investments in early learning programs to improve outcomes for all infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children.
- Family Indicator Data Highlights Handout
- Investing in High Quality Early Learning Opportunities for ALL Children
- Outcomes for Children Served Through IDEA's Early Childhood Programs
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Facilitated Discussion
State Next Steps: Take it Back, Make a Difference
- Multiple TA Staff (CEDS, DaSy, SLDS, ECO, ECTA)
Join colleagues from your state to discuss highlights from the conference, take-away messages and insights from sessions and workshops you attended. Participants from each state will be grouped with a facilitator from one of the TA Centers. Together you will discuss possible next steps in applying conference content when you return home. Information about your state's possible next steps will also help TA Centers plan their future state TA.