National Centers and Institutes
The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
This center synthesizes current research findings on healthy brain development, how brain development can get disrupted by adverse early life experiences, how to put development back on track through scientifically informed interventions, and the factors that contribute to resilience. The Center translates these findings into clear, simple language and presents them in multiple formats.
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
This project of US DOE was funded in 2002 to summarize scientific evidence of effectiveness of programs and strategies to enhance educational outcomes. It will provide easily accessible and searchable online databases including registries for educational interventions (practices), evaluation studies, approaches and policies, test of instruments, and evaluators willing to conduct quality evaluations of education interventions. One current topic will focus on interventions for K-3 students who are having difficulties developing beginning reading skills. Although topic areas are chosen to meet the needs of K-12, possible future topic areas include interventions for preschool-aged children's school readiness.
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
Established at Rutgers University's Graduate School of Education with a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts, NIEER supports early childhood education initiatives by providing objective, nonpartisan information based on research to ensure that every American child can receive a good education at ages three and four. NIEER has two studies on the long-term effects of variations in the intensity and duration of early education experiences for urban children in New Jersey.
The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
Dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America's low-income families and children, NCCP uses research to inform policy and practice with the goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the next generation.