Leadership Coaching Program (LCP) Cohort
- Applications due May 3, 2024
- States/Entities notified by May 31, 2024
- Kickoff call for states/entities on June 26, 2024, 12:00–2:00 PM EDT
Dear Applicant,
The ECTA Center is inviting Part C and Part B, Section 619 leaders to apply to participate in an intensive technical assistance (TA) opportunity focused on co-leading and developing equitable and inclusive Early Intervention (EI) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programs. This intensive TA cohort opportunity will support leaders in their efforts to improve leadership in co-developing and leading equitable and inclusive access, experiences and positive outcomes for children and families served through state EI and ECSE programs.
Ensuring that all children can meet their fullest potential requires leaders who recognize existing advantages and disparities within early childhood systems, and act intentionally and relentlessly to change policies and practices that reinforce disparities. Leaning into these leadership opportunities is essential for realizing the intent of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to provide equitable access, supports, and services to meet the needs of all children with developmental delays and disabilities.
Project Description
This opportunity is designed to engage with state/entity leaders seeking to affect personal, interpersonal, organizational, and systemic change through an ongoing process of learning, unlearning, and self-reflection. A Coaching Team comprised of TA staff from ECTA Center and DaSy Center will provide individualized coaching support to cohort participants as they develop and strengthen competencies for equitable and inclusive leadership.
This LCP Cohort is a 24-month (June 2024-May 2026) intensive TA opportunity. The first 18 months of the cohort will include virtual one-on-one individualized coaching sessions held monthly and overall cohort meetings with all state/entity leaders held every other month. During this time, each state/entity leader will be provided a set of leadership competencies to guide the development of an individualized action plan to build on their capacity. In addition, state/entity leaders will contribute to peer-to-peer learning and participate in overall cohort activities.
The remaining 6 months of the cohort will involve updating action plan progress and providing feedback for cohort evaluation purposes.
The intended outcomes for the LCP Cohort include:
- State/entity leaders will approach equity and inclusion challenges in collaboration with people most affected by the challenges.
- State/entity leaders will commit to using a set of competencies to inform ongoing self-reflection and learning to better understand organizational and systemic barriers to equitable and inclusive access, experiences, and outcomes for children with disabilities and their families.
- State/entity leaders will collaborate with others to identify and develop conditions that remove barriers to access, experiences, and positive outcomes for children with disabilities and their families.
Cohort Activities
With the support of a coach, each participating leader will:
- complete a pre cohort self-assessment for the purpose of examining their current biases, behaviors and practices to identify areas of strength and potential growth;
- use the results from the self-assessment to develop an individualized action plan;
- implement their action plan through participating in individual coaching and cross-state/entity TA meetings to facilitate the achievement of identified goals;
- engage in peer-to-peer learning activities; and
- complete a post LCP cohort self-assessment to evaluate personal growth.
Schedule of Activities
Activities will include:
- Monthly individual one-on-one coaching session scheduled by state/entity leader and their assigned coach
- Virtual cohort meetings for all-states/entities:
- June 26, 2024 (12:00–2:00 EDT)
- August 21, 2024 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
- October 23, 2024 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
- January 22, 2024 (12:00–1:30 EST)
- February 26, 2025 (12:00–1:30 EST)
- April 23, 2025 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
- June 25, 2025 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
- August 27, 2025 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
- October 22, 2025 (12:00–1:30 EDT)
Eligibility Requirements
Individuals who have leadership responsibility for their state or entity Part C or Part B, Section 619 programs are eligible to apply. Applicants must demonstrate a desire to integrate leadership efforts that provide equitable access, services, and supports to children with disabilities and their families that result in positive outcomes not associated with race, ethnicity, language, income, or other demographics.
Application Transmission Process
Applications must be submitted by Friday May 3, 2023, and include a letter of support signed by a representative of your agency's leadership (for example, supervisor or director). If you are not the person functioning in the state/entity Part C or Part B, Section 619 coordinator role, the letter of support must come from the person who functions in that role for your state/entity.
Apply for Leadership Coaching Program CohortFor questions and support for your application, email Sonia Sabater: sonia.sabater@unc.edu
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