Table of Contents
The California Reading Initiative
CALIFORNIA READING INITIATIVE.(Governor, Legislative, State Board, Dept. of Education, Community Leadership)
California Reading Initiative (CRI)
California Reading Initiative 1996-2000
SED Activities Related to the CRI
Standards Based System
Standards Based System
The Need for Reform
Solution? Connect Special Educators with the CA Reading Initiative
Special Education Reading Task Force
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To Make a Difference… ALL Special & General Educators Must Understand these “Core Messages”
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Effective Reading Instruction
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A Couple of Critical Distinctions
A Couple More…
Critical Reading Skills Requiring Explicit Direct Instruction Include
Early Intervention & Prevention: “Catch ‘em BEFORE they fall!!”
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The BIG BUZZ in Reading
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Assessment That “Drives” Instruction
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CBM: Precise Progress Monitoring to Inform Reading Instruction
Access to the Core Curriculum & Reading Instruction
We MUST be Clear. What is the primary Goal??? For Example...
“Unpacking” the Notion of Access
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Bottom line? What Does it Take??
Practices Linked to Research
The Real Deal… Accept No Substitutes!!
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2002 K-8 Reading/Language Arts Adoption Criteria
2002 K-8 Reading/Language Arts Adoption Criteria
2002 K-8 READING/LANGUAGE ARTS/ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT ADOPTION CRITERIA (Adopted by the State Board of Education on December 8, 1999 ).
Next Steps
CRI Resources
State Policy: Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines
Literacy Guidelines: Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines
Literacy Guidelines: Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines
Monitoring and Assessment.DESIRED RESULTS
Monitoring and Assessment.DESIRED RESULTS
Desired Results/Observational System for Children with Disabilities
Desired Results/Observational System for Children with Disabilities
Research in ECSE
Research in ECSE
Dissemination CONNECTIONS Project
Dissemination CONNECTIONS Project