Q3: What three components are included in the Practice-based Coaching Cycle? The PBC cycle includes three specific components that must be completed as part of the collaborative partnership. The coaching-cycle components are: First, planning goals and action steps, Second, engaging in focused observations, and Third, reflecting on and sharing feedback about instructional practices. Coaches will complete the PBC cycle with each of the practitioners they are coaching, after they have established a collaborative partnership. The first component of the cycle is developing shared goals and action planning with the practitioner. The goals are determined after a comprehensive needs assessment is completed in the classroom or the natural environment. A needs assessment could be the Recommended Practices Observation Scale. Once the practitioner’s strengths and areas of support are determined, the coach and the practitioner set goals for implementing Recommended Practices in the classroom or the natural environment. The goals might include trying a brand new practice or expanding on a practice that is already somewhat in place. The second component allows the coach time in the classroom or natural environment to observe the practitioner using the identified practices and strategies with the child or children. The coach schedules the observation during a time when the current goal or action steps are sure to be implemented. The coach takes notes on the use of the practices reflected in the current goals and plans for feedback to the practitioner. And lastly the coach and practitioner meet to debrief around the practices that were observed. They provide feedback to each other on the success of implementing the new strategy or practice. The practitioner and the coach will decide if the current goal has been met and if it is time to start working towards a new goal. The coach will close the meeting by revising the action plan and scheduling the next observation and debrief. The coaching team continues the cycle until implementation fidelity is fully achieved!